Provide a flexible content editor for Easyadmin.
- Ability to create custom blocks
- Twig extension to render the content
Repository Branch | Version | Symfony Compatibility | PHP Compatibility | Status |
3.x |
3.x |
6.4 , and 7.x |
8.2 or higher |
New features and bug fixes |
2.x |
2.x |
5.4 , and 6.x |
8.0.2 or higher |
Bug fixes |
1.x |
1.x |
4.4 , and 5.x |
7.2.5 or higher |
No longer maintained |
Add our recipes endpoint
"extra": {
"symfony": {
"endpoint": [
"allow-contrib": true
Install with composer
composer require agence-adeliom/easy-editor-bundle
class Article
#[ORM\Column(name: 'content', type: \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types::JSON, nullable: true)]
private $content = [];
class ArticleCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
// Add the custom form theme
public function configureCrud(Crud $crud): Crud
return $crud
public function configureFields(string $pageName): iterable
yield EasyEditorField::new('content');
{% for block in object.content %}
{{ easy_editor_block(block) }}
{% endfor %}
bin/console make:block
use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event;
$dispatcher->addListener('easy_editor.render_block', function (Event $event) {
// will be executed when the easy_editor.render_block event is dispatched
// Get
$block = $event->getArgument('block');
$settings = $event->getArgument('settings');
// Set
$event->setArgument("block", $block);
$event->setArgument("settings", $settings);