Web app for music search based on void recognisation.
- 404 - As a user/anon I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault.
- 500 - As an user/anon I can see a 500 page if the server has an internal error.
- Sign Up - As a user/anon I can sign up on the webpage so I can have an account and access all My Soundtrack funcionalities.
- Login - As a user I can log in to the application.
- Logout - As a user I can log out from the aplication
- Search song - As a user I can use the microphone to record my humming of a song and search for it.
- List result- As a user I can choose between the options gave as a result and access a page with the song details.
- Song detail- As a user I can see all the info from a song and download it.
- View Profile - As a user I can see my profile page where I can check and edit my info.
- View My List - As a user I can see the list of songs I searched for.
- As a user I can share a song with other users.
GET /auth/me POST /auth/signup POST /auth/login POST /auth/me POST /myList GET /songs GET /songs/:id GET /search GET/ profile
- username: String,
- email: {type: String, unique: true},
- password: String,
- userMdBooks: [{
type: ObjectId, ref: songs
- title: string,
- Band: string
- /auth/login - Login form (RequireAnonGuard)
- /auth/signup - Signup form (RequireAnonGuard)
- /home - Make a record and search for the corresponding song (RequireUserGuard)
- /songs - See a list of songs as a resul ofthe search (RequireUserGuard)
- /songs/:id - See the details of a song (RequireUserGuard)
- /profile - See my details and my list of songs (RequireUserGuard)
- 404
- Signup/Login
- Home
- List songs
- Song detail
- My Profile
- Login/Signup form
- Navbar
- Songs-list
- profile details
- Auth Service
- auth.login(user)
- auth.signup(user)
- auth.logout()
- auth.me()
- Profile Service
- profile.me()
- if logged in cannot access login/signup page
- if not logged in cannot access all pages in app
Client: https://github.com/agaesnk/My-soundtrack-client Server: https://github.com/agaesnk/My-soundtrack-server