- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with reprepro
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
Creates repos using reprepro. Automatically signs packages dropped into incoming folder.
Follows: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/SetupWithReprepro
If manage_web_server => true:
- places one config file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ per repo
- creates main config file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
- creates cronjob signing everything in the incoming folder every 5 minutes this uses flock so you can cluster multiple servers together
You have to be in posession of a GPG key without passphrase:
gpg --gen-key
This key has to be installed for a user on the system. Example shown below.
Reprepro classes and resources below show all available parameters.
Example including automatic installation of GPG key.
$key_id = 'ABCDEF12345'
$private_key_path = '/root/priv.gpg'
$public_key_path = '/root/pub.pub'
file { $public_key_path:
ensure => present,
source => ...,
file { $private_key_path:
ensure => present,
source => ...,
-> exec { 'install gpg key':
command => "/usr/bin/gpg --import ${private_key_path}",
unless => "/usr/bin/gpg --list-keys | grep -q ${key_id}"
class { 'reprepro':
manage_web_server => true,
main_folder => '/var/www/reprepro',
www_group => 'www-data',
www_user => 'www-data',
fqdn => $facts['networking']['hostname']
reprepro::repo { 'my-first-repository':
architectures => 'amd64',
codenames => ['stretch', 'sid']
components => ['main', 'sources'],
description => 'my first repo',
dist => 'debian',
folder_per_resource => true,
key_id => $key_id,
label => 'apt.example.com',
origin => 'apt.example.com',
public_key => file('.../pub.gpg'),
signing_user => root, # this user needs the gpg key
manage_web_server => true,
main_folder => '/var/www/reprepro',
www_group => 'www-data',
www_user => 'www-data'
This creates a folder structure like this: ${main_folder}/${title}/${dist}
By setting folder_per_resource to false, it will instead create this: ${main_folder}/${dist}
codename is now codenameS, and an array.