An Open Source Python library for the retro Snake game.
Pre-requisites: pygame - can be installed by running pip install pygame
- Grab the latest release of snek here.
- Place it in your project's local directory.
from snek import Snek
import pygame
width = 600
height = 450
win = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
player = Snek(600, 450, 15) #initialise the window boundaries for the Snek object(required for detecting collisions at the boundary) and delta(increment/decrement value for moving the Snek per frame)
- snek.Snek.move(foodPos:list)
player.move([150,150]) #moves the Snek object by the delta value initialised earlier.
- snek.Snek.draw(win:pygame.display)
player.draw(win) #draws the Snek object on the specified screen.
- snek.Snek.headCollidesWith(collideList:list)
player.headCollidesWith([[0,15], [15,30], [30,225], [90,60]]) #checks if the Snek object's head collides with the co-ordinates given in collideList