This repository is the 50th place solution for the Bristol-Myers Squibb – Molecular Translation competition.
This project requires the below libraries:
- torch==1.8.1+cu111
- torchvision==0.9.1+cu111
- numpy
- albumentations
- pytorch_lightning
- wandb
- pandas
- opencv_python
- tokenizers
- python_Levenshtein
You can simply install them by using:
pip install -r requirements.txt -f
This repository contains training and prediction scripts. You can reproduce our results by using this project. Note that the subword tokenization is performed with huggingface tokenizers and the detailed training code is in this notebook. Of course, do not forget to download the dataset from the competition. You can download both the dataset and the tokenizer by using:
kaggle competitions download -c bms-molecular-translation
unzip -qq -d res
kaggle kernels output bms-molecular-translation-train-inchi-tokenizer
mv tokenizer.json res/
First of all, you need to make a training configuration file. For example:
image_dir: res/train
label_csv_path: res/train_labels.csv
tokenizer_path: res/tokenizer.json
val_ratio: 0.01
image_size: 224
patch_size: 16
max_seq_len: 256
num_encoder_layers: 6
num_decoder_layers: 6
hidden_dim: 512
num_attn_heads: 8
expansion_ratio: 4
encoder_dropout_rate: 0.1
decoder_dropout_rate: 0.1
epochs: 10
warmup_steps: 10000
accumulate_grads: 8
train_batch_size: 128
val_batch_size: 128
learning_rate: 1.e-4
learning_rate_decay: linear
weight_decay: 0.05
max_grad_norm: 1.0
grad_ckpt_ratio: 0.0
name: [your model name]
num_gpus: 1
precision: 16
After writing your own training configuration file, login to the wandb by using the below command to log the training and validation metrics.
wandb login [your wandb key]
Now you can train the model by:
python src/ [your config file]
If you want to use apex in training, use --use_apex_amp
option. Note that the apex
should be installed in your system.
It also supports resuming from checkpoint file and using pretrained weights. The detailed usage is as follows:
usage: [-h] [--use_apex_amp] [--resume RESUME] [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
[--pretrained PRETRAINED]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--resume RESUME
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT
--pretrained PRETRAINED
After training the model, you can make a prediction.
image_dir: res/test
label_csv_path: res/sample_submission.csv
tokenizer_path: res/tokenizer.json
image_size: 224
patch_size: 16
max_seq_len: 256
num_encoder_layers: 6
num_decoder_layers: 6
hidden_dim: 512
num_attn_heads: 8
expansion_ratio: 4
batch_size: 1024
weight_path: [trained model weight]
name: [your model name]
precision: 16
Create a configuration and run the below command:
python src/ [your config file]
This project also contains useful utility scripts.
python scripts/ model1.pth model2.pth model3.pth ... --output averaged.pth
python scripts/ --encoder vit.pth --decoder gpt2.pth --output model.pth
python scripts/ vit-large --output ViT-encoder.pth --include_embeddings
python scripts/ model-224.pth --output model-384.pth --image_size 384
python scripts/ model-12.pth --output model-24.pth --num_encoder_layers 24 --num_decoder_layers 6 --modify_mode repeat-first
python scripts/ model.pth
python scripts/ res/extra_inchi.csv --output_path . --num_folds 4 --fold_index 0