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instance the delay monad from wBisim laws
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Ryuji-Kawakami committed Jan 3, 2025
1 parent 68226d5 commit f126c23
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 44 deletions.
112 changes: 68 additions & 44 deletions theories/models/delay_monad_model.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -329,15 +329,15 @@ Add Parametric Relation A : (M A) (@wBisims A)
symmetry proved by (@wBisims_sym A)
transitivity proved by (@wBisims_trans A)
as wBisims_rel.
Notation "a '≈s' b" := (wBisims a b) at level 49.
Notation "a '≈s' b" := (wBisims a b) (at level 70).
Hint Extern 0 (wBisims _ _) => setoid_reflexivity.
Lemma terminatesP A (a : M A) : decidable (exists c, exists m, steps m a = DNow c ).
case/boolP: `[< exists c, exists m, steps m a = DNow c >].
- move/asboolP; by left.
- move/asboolP; by right.
Lemma wBisims_DLater A (d : M A) : (DLater d) ≈ d.
Lemma wBisims_DLater A (d : M A) : (DLater d) ≈s d.
case: (TerminatesP d).
- move => [a /Terminates_steps [n Hs]].
Expand All @@ -346,15 +346,15 @@ case: (TerminatesP d).
- move => /Diverges_spinP Hs.
by rewrite! Hs spinE.
Lemma wBisims_steps A (d : M A) (n : nat) : steps n d ≈ d .
Lemma wBisims_steps A (d : M A) (n : nat) : steps n d ≈s d .
elim: n d => [|n IH] d //=.
case: d IH.
- move => a _ //=.
- move => d IH //=.
by rewrite IH wBisims_DLater.
Lemma Terminates_wBisims A (d1 d2 : M A) (a : A) : Terminates d1 a -> d1 ≈ d2 -> Terminates d2 a.
Lemma Terminates_wBisims A (d1 d2 : M A) (a : A) : Terminates d1 a -> d1 ≈s d2 -> Terminates d2 a.
move => Ht1.
elim: Ht1 => [b|d b].
Expand All @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ split => Ht.
- by apply (Terminates_wBisims Ht (wBisims_sym (wBisims_steps d n))).
- by apply (Terminates_wBisims Ht (wBisims_steps d n)).
Lemma iff_Terminates_wBret {A} (d : M A) (a : A) : Terminates d a <-> (d ≈ Ret a).
Lemma iff_Terminates_wBret {A} (d : M A) (a : A) : Terminates d a <-> (d ≈s Ret a).
- move => H.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ split.
exists a.
by apply (Terminates_wBisim Ht Ho).
Lemma iff_Diverges_wBisimsspin {A} (d : M A) : Diverges d <-> d ≈ (@spin A).
Lemma iff_Diverges_wBisimsspin {A} (d : M A) : Diverges d <-> d ≈s (@spin A).
- move => /Diverges_spinP HD.
Expand All @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ split.
rewrite Hs.
by apply/(iff_Diverges_steps (@spin A) n)/(Diverges_spinP).
Theorem iff_wBisims_wBisim A (d1 d2 : M A) : d1 ≈ d2 <-> wBisim d1 d2.
Theorem iff_wBisims_wBisim A (d1 d2 : M A) : d1 ≈s d2 <-> wBisim d1 d2.
- case: (TerminatesP d1).
Expand All @@ -440,11 +440,11 @@ split.
by rewrite Hs.
Lemma steps_bind {A B} (n : nat) (m : M A) (f : A -> M B) : steps n (m >>= f) ≈ m >>= ((steps n) \o f).
Lemma steps_bind {A B} (n : nat) (m : M A) (f : A -> M B) : steps n (m >>= f) ≈s m >>= ((steps n) \o f).
Lemma steps_ret {A} (n:nat) (a : A) : steps n (@ret M A a) ≈ @ret M A a.
Lemma steps_ret {A} (n:nat) (a : A) : steps n (@ret M A a) ≈s @ret M A a.
Lemma steps_monotonisity {A} (n : nat) (d : Delay A) : steps n d ≈ d.
Lemma steps_monotonisity {A} (n : nat) (d : Delay A) : steps n d ≈s d.
CoFixpoint while {A B} (body : A -> M (B + A)) : A -> M B :=
Expand All @@ -467,14 +467,14 @@ cofix CIH.
rewrite -spinE -(spinE B) bindDmf.
by apply sBLater.
Lemma Terminates_bindmf A B (d : M A) (a : A) (f : A -> M B) : Terminates d a -> d >>= f ≈ f a.
Lemma Terminates_bindmf A B (d : M A) (a : A) (f : A -> M B) : Terminates d a -> d >>= f ≈s f a.
move => Ht.
elim: Ht => [a'|d' a' Ht Hd'].
- by rewrite bindretf.
- by rewrite -Hd' bindDmf wBisims_DLater.
Lemma bindmwB {A B} (f : A -> M B) (d1 d2 : M A) : d1 ≈ d2 -> d1 >>= f ≈ d2 >>= f.
Lemma bindmwBs {A B} (f : A -> M B) (d1 d2 : M A) : d1 ≈s d2 -> d1 >>= f ≈s d2 >>= f.
case: (TerminatesP d1).
- move => [a Ht1].
Expand All @@ -483,7 +483,13 @@ case: (TerminatesP d1).
- move => /Diverges_spinP HD; subst.
by move => /wBisims_sym/iff_Diverges_wBisimsspin/Diverges_spinP Hd2; subst.
Lemma bindfwB {A B} (f g : A -> M B) (d : M A) : (forall a, f a ≈ g a) -> d >>= f ≈ d >>= g.
Lemma bindmwB {A B} (f : A -> M B) (d1 d2 : M A) : d1 ≈ d2 -> d1 >>= f ≈ d2 >>= f.
move => /iff_wBisims_wBisim H.
apply iff_wBisims_wBisim.
exact: (bindmwBs _ H).
Lemma bindfwBs {A B} (f g : A -> M B) (d : M A) : (forall a, f a ≈s g a) -> d >>= f ≈s d >>= g.
move => H.
Expand All @@ -495,16 +501,26 @@ case: d => [a|d].
- rewrite! bindDmf.
by apply wBLater.
Lemma bindfwB {A B} (f g : A -> M B) (d : M A) : (forall a, f a ≈ g a) -> d >>= f ≈ d >>= g.
move => H.
apply iff_wBisims_wBisim.
apply bindfwBs => a.
apply iff_wBisims_wBisim.
by apply (H a).
(* the next four laws derived from Complete Elgot monads *)
Lemma fixpointE {A B} (f : A -> M (B + A)) : forall (a : A), while f a ≈ (f a) >>= (sum_rect (fun => M B ) (@ret M B ) (while f)).
Lemma fixpointEs {A B} (f : A -> M (B + A)) : forall (a : A), while f a ≈s (f a) >>= (sum_rect (fun => M B ) (@ret M B ) (while f)).
move => a.
rewrite whileE.
apply bindfwB => ab.
apply bindfwBs => ab.
case: ab => [b'|a'] //=.
by apply wBisims_DLater.
CoFixpoint naturality' {A B C} (f : A -> M (B + A))(g : B -> M C)(d : M (B + A)) :
Lemma fixpointE {A B} (f : A -> M (B + A)) : forall (a : A), while f a ≈ (f a) >>= (sum_rect (fun => M B ) (@ret M B ) (while f)).
Proof. by move => a; apply iff_wBisims_wBisim; apply fixpointEs. Qed.
CoFixpoint naturalityE' {A B C} (f : A -> M (B + A))(g : B -> M C)(d : M (B + A)) :
wBisim ((d >>= (fun ab : B + A => match ab with
| inl b => DNow b
| inr a => DLater (while f a)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,15 +550,15 @@ case: d => [[b|a]|d].
- rewrite! bindretf /= fmapE bindA bindretf /= bindretf /= bindDmf.
apply wBLater.
rewrite whileE whileE.
by apply naturality'.
by apply naturalityE'.
- rewrite! bindDmf.
apply wBLater.
by apply naturality'.
by apply naturalityE'.
Lemma naturalityE {A B C} (f : A -> M (B + A)) (g : B -> M C) (a : A) :
(while f a) >>= g ≈ while (fun y => (f y) >>= (sum_rect (fun => M (C + A)) (M # inl \o g) (M # inr \o (@ret M A )))) a.
Proof. by apply iff_wBisims_wBisim; rewrite whileE whileE; apply naturality'. Qed.
CoFixpoint codiagonal' {A B} (f: A -> M ((B + A) + A))(d: M ((B + A) + A)) :
Proof. by rewrite whileE whileE; apply naturalityE'. Qed.
CoFixpoint codiagonalE' {A B} (f: A -> M ((B + A) + A))(d: M ((B + A) + A)) :
wBisim (( d >>= (Ret \o sum_rect (fun=> (B + A)%type) idfun inr)) >>=
(fun ab : B + A => match ab with
| inl b => DNow b
Expand All @@ -561,20 +577,20 @@ case: d => [baa|d'].
+ by rewrite bindretf bindretf bindretf //= bindretf.
+ rewrite bindretf bindretf bindretf //= bindretf whileE whileE whileE //= fmapE.
apply wBLater.
by apply codiagonal'.
by apply codiagonalE'.
+ rewrite bindretf bindretf bindretf //= bindDmf whileE whileE //= fmapE.
apply wBLater.
by apply codiagonal'.
by apply codiagonalE'.
- rewrite! bindDmf.
apply wBLater.
by apply codiagonal'.
by apply codiagonalE'.
Lemma codiagonalE {A B} (f : A -> M ((B + A) + A)) (a : A) : while ((Delay # ((sum_rect (fun => (B + A)%type) idfun inr))) \o f ) a ≈ while (while f) a.
Proof. by apply iff_wBisims_wBisim; rewrite whileE whileE whileE //= fmapE; apply codiagonal'. Qed.
CoFixpoint whilewB1 {X A} (f g : X -> M(A + X)) :
Proof. by rewrite whileE whileE whileE //= fmapE; apply codiagonalE'. Qed.
CoFixpoint whilewBs1 {X A} (f g : X -> M(A + X)) :
(forall x, wBisims (f x) (g x)) ->
forall d1 d2: M (A + X),
d1 ≈ d2 ->
d1 ≈s d2 ->
d1 >>= (fun ax : A + X => match ax with
| inl a => DNow a
| inr x => DLater (while f x)
Expand All @@ -597,41 +613,41 @@ case: d1 Hd => [[b|a]|d1'].
case: Hf.
rewrite whileE whileE => Hf.
apply sBLater.
by apply (whilewB1 _ _ f g Hfg _ _ (Hfg a)).
by apply (whilewBs1 _ _ f g Hfg _ _ (Hfg a)).
+ move => Hd Hf.
rewrite -spinE bindDmf.
apply sBLater.
have Had: DNow (inr a) ≈ d2'.
have Had: DNow (inr a) ≈s d2'.
by rewrite Hd wBisims_DLater.
by apply (whilewB1 _ _ f g Hfg (DNow (inr a)) d2' Had Hf).
by apply (whilewBs1 _ _ f g Hfg (DNow (inr a)) d2' Had Hf).
- case: d2 =>[[b|a]|d2'].
+ move => Hd.
rewrite (bindmwB _ Hd) bindretf => /iff_Diverges_wBisimsspin/Diverges_spinP contr.
rewrite (bindmwBs _ Hd) bindretf => /iff_Diverges_wBisimsspin/Diverges_spinP contr.
contradict contr.
by rewrite -spinE.
+ move => Hd.
set x := (x in DLater d1' >>= x).
move => Hf.
have: (DLater d1' >>= x) ≈ (DNow (inr a) >>= x).
by rewrite (bindmwB _ Hd).
have: (DLater d1' >>= x) ≈s (DNow (inr a) >>= x).
by rewrite (bindmwBs _ Hd).
subst x.
rewrite Hf bindretf.
move => Hs.
rewrite bindretf -spinE whileE.
apply sBLater.
apply (whilewB1 _ _ _ _ Hfg _ _ (Hfg a)).
apply (whilewBs1 _ _ _ _ Hfg _ _ (Hfg a)).
rewrite -whileE.
by rewrite Hs wBisims_DLater.
+ move => Hd Hf.
rewrite -spinE bindDmf.
apply sBLater.
have Hd2 : DLater d1' ≈ d2'.
have Hd2 : DLater d1' ≈s d2'.
by rewrite Hd wBisims_DLater.
by apply (whilewB1 _ _ f g Hfg (DLater d1') d2' Hd2 Hf).
by apply (whilewBs1 _ _ f g Hfg (DLater d1') d2' Hd2 Hf).
Lemma whilewB2 {A B} (d1 d2 : M (B + A)) (f g : A -> M (B + A)) (b : B) : (forall a, wBisims (f a) (g a)) -> wBisims d1 d2 -> wBisims (d1 >>= (fun ab : B + A => match ab with
Lemma whilewBs2 {A B} (d1 d2 : M (B + A)) (f g : A -> M (B + A)) (b : B) : (forall a, wBisims (f a) (g a)) -> wBisims d1 d2 -> wBisims (d1 >>= (fun ab : B + A => match ab with
| inl b => DNow b
| inr a => DLater (while f a)
end)) (@ret M B b) -> wBisims (d2 >>= (fun ab : B + A => match ab with
Expand All @@ -645,39 +661,47 @@ rewrite steps_Dnow.
elim: n => [d1 d2|n IH d1 d2].
- case: d1 => [[b'|a']|d1'].
+ rewrite bindretf => /wBisims_sym Hd //= Hf.
by rewrite (bindmwB _ Hd) bindretf Hf.
by rewrite (bindmwBs _ Hd) bindretf Hf.
+ by rewrite bindretf /= => _ Hf.
+ by rewrite bindDmf /= => _ Hf.
- case: d1 => [[b'|a']|d1'] H.
+ rewrite bindretf steps_Dnow -(bindmwB _ H) bindretf => Hb.
+ rewrite bindretf steps_Dnow -(bindmwBs _ H) bindretf => Hb.
by rewrite Hb.
+ rewrite bindretf /= -(bindmwB _ H) bindretf wBisims_DLater whileE whileE.
+ rewrite bindretf /= -(bindmwBs _ H) bindretf wBisims_DLater whileE whileE.
by apply (IH (f a') (g a') (Hfg a')).
+ move: H.
rewrite bindDmf /= wBisims_DLater.
by apply IH.
Lemma whilewB {A B} (f g : A -> M (B + A)) (a : A) : (forall a, (f a) ≈ (g a)) -> while f a ≈ while g a.
Lemma whilewBs {A B} (f g : A -> M (B + A)) (a : A) : (forall a, (f a) ≈s (g a)) -> while f a ≈s while g a.
move => Hfg.
case: (TerminatesP (while f a)) => [[b /iff_Terminates_wBret HT]| /Diverges_spinP HD].
- rewrite HT.
move: HT.
rewrite! whileE.
by apply (whilewB2 Hfg (Hfg a)).
by apply (whilewBs2 Hfg (Hfg a)).
- rewrite HD.
move: HD.
rewrite !whileE.
by apply (whilewB1 Hfg (Hfg a)).
by apply (whilewBs1 Hfg (Hfg a)).
Lemma whilewB {A B} (f g : A -> M (B + A)) (a : A) : (forall a, (f a) ≈ (g a)) -> while f a ≈ while g a.
move => H.
apply iff_wBisims_wBisim.
apply whilewBs => a'.
apply iff_wBisims_wBisim.
by apply (H a').
Lemma uniform {A B C} (f:A -> Delay(B + A)) (g: C -> Delay (B + C)) (h: C -> Delay A) :
forall (z:C),(h z) >>= f ≈ ( (g z) >>= (sum_functin ((Delay # inl) \o (fun (y:B) => DNow y)(*ret*)) ((Delay # inr) \o h ))) -> forall (z:C), (h z) >>= (while f) ≈ while g z. Abort.*)
forall (z:C),(h z) >>= f ≈s ( (g z) >>= (sum_functin ((Delay # inl) \o (fun (y:B) => DNow y)(*ret*)) ((Delay # inr) \o h ))) -> forall (z:C), (h z) >>= (while f) ≈s while g z. Abort.*)
HB.instance Definition _ := @isMonadDelay.Build M
(@while) wBisims wBisims_refl wBisims_sym wBisims_trans (@fixpointE) (@naturalityE) (@codiagonalE) (@bindmwB) (@bindfwB) (@whilewB).
(@while) wBisim wBisim_refl wBisim_sym wBisim_trans (@fixpointE) (@naturalityE) (@codiagonalE) (@bindmwB) (@bindfwB) (@whilewB).
End wBisims.
End delayops.
End DelayOps.
Expand Down

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