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- renamed cinde.v
- remove useless import of topology
- minor PRs to mathcomp-analysis

fixes #18
  • Loading branch information
affeldt-aist committed Oct 13, 2020
1 parent de84071 commit cff221b
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Showing 8 changed files with 75 additions and 118 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ probability/fsdist.v
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
from 0.1.2 to ???
from 0.1.2 to 0.2
warning: this changelog entry is not exhaustive

- renamed:
+ in Rbigop.v:
* rsumr_ge0 -> sumR_ge0, rsumr_gt0 -> sumR_gt0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ from 0.1.2 to ???
+ cpr_in_Eset1, cpr_in_set1F
+ reasoning_by_cases, creasoning_by_cases
+ cpr_in_pair* lemmas in proba.v
+ cinde.v -> graphoid.v
- changed:
+ generalize pr_geq to any porderType
+ definition of notation @^-1 now uses preim instead of finset notations
Expand All @@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ from 0.1.2 to ???
+ Pr_domin_snd
+ RVarPr
+ most marginal_* lemmas and technical lemmas from cinde.v
+ RV_Pr_lC, etc. from cinde.v
+ RV_Pr_lC, etc., RV2_Pr*congr* lemmas, from cinde.v

from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2 :
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion information_theory/chap2.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ Qed.
End rV.
End JointEntropy.

Require Import cinde.
Section notation_with_random_variables.
Section jointentropy_drv.
Variables (U A B : finType) (P : {fdist U}) (X : {RV P -> A}) (Y : {RV P -> B}).
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion information_theory/convex_fdist.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ Variables (A B : finType) (P : fdist A).
Local Open Scope divergence_scope.

Lemma mutual_information_convex :
convex_function (fun Q : depfun_choiceType (fun _ : A => fdist_convType B) =>
convex_function (fun Q : dep_arrow_choiceType (fun _ : A => fdist_convType B) =>
MutualInfo.mi (CJFDist.make_joint P Q)).
move=> p1yx p2yx t.
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/classical_sets_ext.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,12 +54,13 @@ apply eqEsubset=> a;
by [case=> i Pi ->; apply imageP | case=> i Pi <-; exists i].

(* TODO: PR in progress in mathcomp-analysis *)
Lemma bigcup_set0 (X : U -> set T) : \bigcup_(i in set0) X i = set0.
Proof. by apply eqEsubset => a // [] //. Qed.

(* NB: less general lemma with the same name in mathcomp-analysis *)
Lemma bigcup_set1 (i : U) (X : U -> set T) : \bigcup_(i in [set i]) X i = X i.
Proof. apply eqEsubset => a; by [case=> j -> | exists i]. Qed.
(* TODO: end PR *)

Lemma bigcup_image V (P : set V) (f : V -> U) (X : U -> set T) :
\bigcup_(x in f @` P) X x = \bigcup_(x in P) X (f x).
Expand Down
20 changes: 9 additions & 11 deletions probability/convex_choice.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,14 @@ Import Prenex Implicits.
Local Open Scope reals_ext_scope.
Local Open Scope proba_scope.

(* TODO: PR to mathcomp-analysis in progress *)
Section depfun.
Variable (I : Type) (T : I -> choiceType).
Definition depfun_choiceClass :=
Choice.Class (Equality.class (dep_arrow_eqType T)) gen_choiceMixin.
Definition dep_arrow_choiceType := Choice.Pack depfun_choiceClass.
End depfun.

Section tmp.
Variables (n m : nat) (d1 : {fdist 'I_n}) (d2 : {fdist 'I_m}) (p : prob).
Lemma ConvnFDist_Add (A : finType) (g : 'I_n -> fdist A) (h : 'I_m -> fdist A) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1939,19 +1947,9 @@ Definition funConvMixin := ConvexSpace.Mixin avg1 avgI avgC avgA.
Canonical funConvType := ConvexSpace.Pack (ConvexSpace.Class funConvMixin).
End fun_convex_space.

From mathcomp Require Import topology.

(* TODO: move to topology? *)
Section depfun.
Variable (I : Type) (T : I -> choiceType).
Definition depfun_choiceClass :=
Choice.Class (Equality.class (dep_arrow_eqType T)) gen_choiceMixin.
Definition depfun_choiceType := Choice.Pack depfun_choiceClass.
End depfun.

Section depfun_convex_space.
Variables (A : choiceType) (B : A -> convType).
Let T := depfun_choiceType B.
Let T := dep_arrow_choiceType B.
Implicit Types p q : prob.
Let avg p (x y : T) := fun a : A => (x a <| p |> y a).
Let avg1 (x y : T) : avg 1%:pr x y = x.
Expand Down
116 changes: 17 additions & 99 deletions probability/cinde.v → probability/graphoid.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,46 +5,40 @@ Require Import ssrR Reals_ext logb ssr_ext ssralg_ext bigop_ext Rbigop fdist.
Require Import proba jfdist.

(* Conditional independence over joint distributions and graphoid axioms *)
(* Graphoid axioms *)
(* *)
(* X _|_ Y | Z == X is conditionally independent of Y given Z in the *)
(* distribution P for all values a, b, and c (belonging *)
(* resp. to the codomains of X, Y , and Z); equivalent *)
(* to P |= X _|_ Y | Z from proba.v *)
(* \Pr[ X = a | Y = b ] == probability that the random variable X is a *)
(* knowing that the random variable Y is b *)
(* *)
(* Lemmas: *)
(* Graphoid axioms: symmetry, decomposition, weak_union, contraction, *)
(* intersection, derived rules *)
(* The main purpose of this file is to provide a formalization of the *)
(* graphoid axioms (symmetry, decomposition, weak_union, contraction, and *)
(* intersection) and derived rules. *)

- Various distributions (Proj124.d, Proj14d, QuadA23.d)
- Section pair_of_RVs.
- Section RV2_prop.
- Section RV3_prop.
- Section conditionnally_independent_discrete_random_variables.

Reserved Notation "X _|_ Y | Z" (at level 50, Y, Z at next level).
Reserved Notation "\Pr[ X '\in' E | Y '\in' F ]" (at level 6, X, Y, E, F at next level,
format "\Pr[ X '\in' E | Y '\in' F ]").
Reserved Notation "\Pr[ X '\in' E | Y = b ]" (at level 6, X, Y, E, b at next level,
format "\Pr[ X '\in' E | Y = b ]").
Reserved Notation "\Pr[ X = a | Y '\in' F ]" (at level 6, X, Y, a, F at next level,
format "\Pr[ X = a | Y '\in' F ]").
Reserved Notation "\Pr[ X = a | Y = b ]" (at level 6, X, Y, a, b at next level,
format "\Pr[ X = a | Y = b ]").

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.

Local Open Scope R_scope.
Local Open Scope proba_scope.

(* TODO: move? *)
Section setX_structural_lemmas.
Variables (A B C : finType).
Variables (E : {set A}) (F : {set B}).

Lemma imset_fst b : b \in F -> [set x.1 | x in E `* F] = E.
move=> bF; apply/setP => a; apply/imsetP/idP.
- by rewrite ex2C; move=> -[[a' b']] /= ->; rewrite inE => /andP [] ->.
- by move=> aE; exists (a, b); rewrite // inE; apply/andP; split.

End setX_structural_lemmas.
Module Proj124.
Section proj124.
Variables (A B D C : finType) (P : {fdist A * B * D * C}).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,20 +79,11 @@ Proof. by rewrite /Bivar.snd /d FDistMap.comp. Qed.
End prop.
End QuadA23.

Notation "\Pr[ X '\in' E | Y '\in' F ]" := (\Pr_(`d_[% X, Y])[ E | F ]).
Notation "\Pr[ X '\in' E | Y = b ]" := (\Pr[ X \in E | Y \in [set b]]).
Notation "\Pr[ X = a | Y '\in' F ]" := (\Pr[ X \in [set a] | Y \in F]).
Notation "\Pr[ X = a | Y = b ]" := (\Pr[ X \in [set a] | Y \in [set b]]).

Section RV2_prop.
Variables (U : finType) (P : fdist U).
Variables (A B : finType) (X : {RV P -> A}) (Y : {RV P -> B}).
Implicit Types (E : {set A}) (F : {set B}).

Goal forall a b, \Pr[ X = a | Y = b ] = \Pr_(FDistMap.d [% X, Y] P)[ [set a] | [set b] ].
by [].

Lemma RV20 : fst \o [% X, unit_RV P] =1 X.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,43 +113,11 @@ Proof. by rewrite /TripC12.d /dist_of_RV /TripA.d FDistMap.comp. Qed.

End RV3_prop.

(* TODO: move *)
Section setX_structural_lemmas.
Variables (A B C : finType).
Variables (E : {set A}) (F : {set B}).

Lemma imset_fst b : b \in F -> [set x.1 | x in E `* F] = E.
move=> bF; apply/setP => a; apply/imsetP/idP.
- by rewrite ex2C; move=> -[[a' b']] /= ->; rewrite inE => /andP [] ->.
- by move=> aE; exists (a, b); rewrite // inE; apply/andP; split.

End setX_structural_lemmas.

Section conditionnally_independent_discrete_random_variables.

Variables (U : finType) (P : fdist U) (A B C : finType).
Variables (X : {RV P -> A}) (Y : {RV P -> B}) (Z : {RV P -> C}).

Definition jcinde_rv := forall a b c,
\Pr[ [% X, Y] = (a, b) | Z = c ] = \Pr[ X = a | Z = c ] * \Pr[ Y = b | Z = c].

End conditionnally_independent_discrete_random_variables.

Notation "X _|_ Y | Z" := (jcinde_rv X Y Z) : proba_scope.

Section cinde_rv_prop.

Variables (U : finType) (P : fdist U) (A B C D : finType).
Variables (X : {RV P -> A}) (Y : {RV P -> B}) (Z : {RV P -> C}) (W : {RV P -> D}).

Lemma jcinde_cinde_rv : X _|_ Y | Z <-> P |= X _|_ Y | Z.
split; rewrite /jcinde_rv /cinde_rv; by
move=> H a b c; have {H} := H a b c; rewrite 3!jcPrE -!cpr_inE' !cpr_eq_set1.

Lemma cinde_drv_2C : P |= X _|_ [% Y, W] | Z -> P |= X _|_ [% W, Y] | Z.
move=> H a -[d b] c.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,38 +319,3 @@ by rewrite pr_eq_pairC => ->.

End intersection.

(* wip*)

Section vector_of_RVs.
Variables (U : finType) (P : fdist U).
Variables (A : finType) (n : nat) (X : 'rV[{RV P -> A}]_n).
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope vec_ext_scope.
Definition RVn : {RV P -> 'rV[A]_n} := fun x => \row_(i < n) (X ``_ i) x.
End vector_of_RVs.

Section prob_chain_rule.
Variables (U : finType) (P : {fdist U}).
Variables (A : finType) .
Local Open Scope vec_ext_scope.
Lemma prob_chain_rule : forall (n : nat) (X : 'rV[{RV P -> A}]_n.+1) x,
`Pr[ (RVn X) = x ] =
\prod_(i < n.+1)
if i == ord0 then
`Pr[ (X ``_ ord0) = (x ``_ ord0) ]
\Pr[ (X ``_ i) = (x ``_ i) |
(RVn (row_drop (inord (n - i.+1)) X)) = (row_drop (inord (n - i.+1)) x) ].
elim => [X /= x|n ih X /= x].
rewrite big_ord_recl big_ord0 mulR1.
rewrite /pr_eq; unlock.
apply eq_bigl => u.
rewrite !inE /RVn.
apply/eqP/eqP => [<-|H]; first by rewrite mxE.
by apply/rowP => i; rewrite {}(ord1 i) !mxE.
rewrite big_ord_recr /=.

End prob_chain_rule.
42 changes: 40 additions & 2 deletions probability/proba.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ Require Import fdist.
(* `Pr_P [ A | B ] == conditional probability for events *)
(* `Pr[ X = a | Y = b ], `Pr[ X \in E | Y \in F ] == conditional probability *)
(* for random variables *)
(* P |= X _|_ Y | Z == the random variable X is conditionally independent of *)
(* the random variable Y given Z in a distribution P *)
(* P |= X _|_ Y | Z, X _|_ Y | Z == the random variable X is conditionally *)
(* independent of the random variable Y given Z in a *)
(* distribution P *)
(* P |= X _|_ Y == unconditional independence *)
(* Z \= X @+ Y == Z is the sum of two random variables *)
(* X \=sum Xs == X is the sum of the n>=1 independent and identically *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ Reserved Notation "`Pr[ X '\in' E | Y = F ]" (at level 6, X, Y, E, F at next lev
format "`Pr[ X '\in' E | Y = F ]").
Reserved Notation "`Pr[ X = E | Y '\in' F ]" (at level 6, X, Y, E, F at next level,
format "`Pr[ X = E | Y '\in' F ]").
Reserved Notation "X _|_ Y | Z" (at level 50, Y, Z at next level).
Reserved Notation "P |= X _|_ Y | Z" (at level 50, X, Y, Z at next level).
Reserved Notation "P |= X _|_ Y" (at level 50, X, Y at next level,
format "P |= X _|_ Y").
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1645,6 +1647,7 @@ Qed.
End conditionnally_independent_discrete_random_variables.

Notation "P |= X _|_ Y | Z" := (@cinde_rv _ P _ _ _ X Y Z) : proba_scope.
Notation "X _|_ Y | Z" := (cinde_rv X Y Z) : proba_scope.

Section independent_rv.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2038,3 +2041,38 @@ by move/leR_trans: (chebyshev_inequality (X `/ n.+1) e0); apply; exact/leRR.

End weak_law_of_large_numbers.

(* wip*)

Section vector_of_RVs.
Variables (U : finType) (P : fdist U).
Variables (A : finType) (n : nat) (X : 'rV[{RV P -> A}]_n).
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope vec_ext_scope.
Definition RVn : {RV P -> 'rV[A]_n} := fun x => \row_(i < n) (X ``_ i) x.
End vector_of_RVs.

Section prob_chain_rule.
Variables (U : finType) (P : {fdist U}).
Variables (A : finType) .
Local Open Scope vec_ext_scope.
Lemma prob_chain_rule : forall (n : nat) (X : 'rV[{RV P -> A}]_n.+1) x,
`Pr[ (RVn X) = x ] =
\prod_(i < n.+1)
if i == ord0 then
`Pr[ (X ``_ ord0) = (x ``_ ord0) ]
`Pr[ (X ``_ i) = (x ``_ i) |
(RVn (row_drop (inord (n - i.+1)) X)) = (row_drop (inord (n - i.+1)) x) ].
elim => [X /= x|n ih X /= x].
rewrite big_ord_recl big_ord0 mulR1.
rewrite /pr_eq; unlock.
apply eq_bigl => u.
rewrite !inE /RVn.
apply/eqP/eqP => [<-|H]; first by rewrite mxE.
by apply/rowP => i; rewrite {}(ord1 i) !mxE.
rewrite big_ord_recr /=.

End prob_chain_rule.

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