Small projects for asking at Stackoverflow
The files are public domain - unless there is a different note (by their respective authors) on the top of some files.
flutter_app can be launched with flutter run:
GoogleAuth requires app/google-services.json file:
HelloMoon from the book Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide:
HuaweiPush Retrieve HUAWEI push token:
HmsSample HUAWEI Mobile Services sample:
InteractiveChart the custom view with overscroller and edge effects from the Google guide Animate a scroll gesture:
MyBars uses CC BY-SA 3.0 licensed SVG-file by Denelson83, Wikimedia Commons
NFCStudentTracking from the book Professional NFC Application Development for Android:
PinchZoom the Matrix usage suggested by pskink:
RoundedQRCode - rounded QR code drawn in Telegram:
SampleLoginWithAmazonAppForAndroid from LWA doc:
Vehicles for Droidcon 2019 challenge:
WordsByFarber Jetpack Compose with multiple Room databases:
ZXingTestActivity (by ZXing project, Apache License):