An Alloy Titanium application that takes a lot of time to compile ( 1000 widgets ).
When the mobile application grows the Alloy compilation process starts to take a lot of time. This tries to compile only the files we need to get some better compilation times.
The changes applied to Alloy:
This version tracks the modified date of each alloy file. If a change is made to a widget file (.js, .xml, .tss) then the widget file compilation is done, otherwise that is ignored.
# install custom alloy 1.3.1
> sudo npm i "" -g
# cleanup ti app compiled files
> rm -rf Resources
> rm -rf build
# first build
> time ti build -p ios -b
real 1m53.242s
# next build (no file changes)
> time ti build -p ios -b
real 0m34.862s
Apply the similar method on optimizeCompiledCode() on Alloy code.
Oscar Brito - @aetheon