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Aerian ESLint config

This monorepo includes several opinionated ESLint configs:

  • @aerian/eslint-config: The base JavaScript config. The rules are similar to those in create-react-app (minus the React-specific stuff, which is included below), which in turn is based on Airbnb rules. Formatting is all handled by Prettier.
  • @aerian/eslint-config-react: A JavaScript config with support for React. Extends @aerian/eslint-config, so there's no need to include both.
  • @aerian/eslint-config-preact: Identical to the above, but for Preact instead of React.
  • @aerian/eslint-config-typescript: Adds support for TypeScript. Can be installed alongside either the base config or -react or -preact configs to add TypeScript support.
  • @aerian/eslint-config-node: Adds support for node. Can be installed alongside the other configs.
  • @aerian/stylelint-config-base: Adds support for CSS and SCSS linting (currently a WIP).

To install the packages, run:

npm i -D eslint prettier @aerian/eslint-config # or @aerian/eslint-config-react etc

yarn add -D eslint prettier @aerian/eslint-config # or @aerian/eslint-config-react etc

To use the packages, create an .eslintrc.json like this:

    "extends": ["@aerian/eslint-config"]


    "extends": ["@aerian/eslint-config-react"]

..or if you're using TypeScript:

    "extends": [

The base formatting uses Prettier through eslint, which parses and reformats your code, so you can run use eslint . --fix to apply Prettier formatting as well as ESLint rules.

Within your editor you will need to apply some format on save settings, something like these for vscode:

    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
        "source.fixAll.eslint": true
    "eslint.alwaysShowStatus": true,
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"

Which enables eslint to fix all on save and as the default formatter.

Transpiled (Typescript/Babel) node scripts

It is possible to use standard ES syntaxes with node scripts if you are transpiling your code... ESModules coming to node soon!

If you are transpiling, it may make more sense for the time being to just use the base @aerian/eslint-config (and, if you are using TypeScript, @aerian/eslint-config-typescript). This will avoid conflicting rules.


This is a monorepo managed by Lerna.

You will need to have lerna as a global, yarn add global lerna or use npx to prefix all the lerna commands.

  1. Please make a new git branch for your changes
  2. Commit with meaningful commit - ideally using conventional commit messages.
  3. Submit completed changes for review to one of the Aerian team.

To publish

  1. Merge code changes into master
  2. Check out master
  3. Make sure that you are logged in to npm.
  4. Then run, lerna publish. This will take you through a wizard for managing the release to npm.

Versioning should follow semver, but make sure that new rules are treated as a major version change, as they're breaking changes for existing projects.


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Contributors 3
