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Custom App

A base webapp based on kabestan

More screenshots

Planned features

  • Config
  • Logging
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Localization (I10n)
  • Web Endpoints
  • JSON REST Endpoints
  • gRPC API



  • Authorization middleware cache.


  • Authorization middleware.


  • RBAC administration.

Full changelog



Method Path Handler
GET /auth/signup InitSignUp
POST /auth/signup SignUp
GET /auth/signin InitSignIn
POST /auth/signin SignIn
GET /auth/signout SignOut

More routes

Dev. Env. Setup [draft]

After stabilizing this base app a (still not published) generator will be updated to automate most of these steps.

App Description

More info

Clone app

$ git clone appname

Replace appname by the name of your app.

Create database user

If it does not exist yet.

$ psql
psql (11.5 (Ubuntu 11.5-1))
Type "help" for help.

user=# CREATE ROLE rolename;
user=# ALTER USER rolename WITH PASSWORD 'password';

Replace rolename by the database user owner. Replace password by prefered password.

Note: First migration step includes POSTGis extension installation. To do so, the superuser permission is required. You can use something like this instead to create a role with SUPERUSER power.

user=# CREATE ROLE rolename SUPERUSER;
user=# ALTER USER rolename WITH PASSWORD 'password';

But as documentation sugests

A database superuser bypasses all permission checks. This is a dangerous privilege and should not be used carelessly; it is best to do most of your work as a role that is not a superuser. To create a new database superuser, use CREATE ROLE name SUPERUSER. You must do this as a role that is already a superuser.

So this path is not recommended, at least in production environment.


  • Remove permission after running migrations.
  • Install POSTGis manually using another allowed user and comment
    • Comment POSTGis migrations steps in internal/mig/mig.go.
// GetMigrator configured.
func (m *Migrator) addSteps() {
	// Migrations
	// Enable Postgis
	s := &step{}
	s.Config(s.EnablePostgis, s.DropPostgis) // <- comment this line
	m.AddMigration(s) // <- comment this line

Create database

user=# CREATE DATABASE dbname OWNER rolename;
user=# CREATE DATABASE dbname_test OWNER rolename;

Replace dbname by the name of your app database.

Update script

Edit scripts/

Replace baseapp by chosen app name

# Free ports
killall -9 baseapp
go build -o ./bin/baseapp ./cmd/baseapp.go

Config system uses envar prefixes to set app configuration values. By default this value is KBS but you can replace it with any other.

# Service
export KBS_SVC_NAME="kabestan"
export KBS_(...)

Edit other values according to the preferred ones and / or those of your system.

Edit main

First rename cmd/baseapp.go to cmd/appname.go where appname is the name you have chosen for your application.

Edit cmd/appname

If you change this envvar prefix from "KBS" to, let say, "APP"

	cfg := kbs.LoadConfig("kbs") // <- change this
	// cfg := kbs.LoadConfig("app") // <- to something like this

You can also change, but this value is not used for configuration purposes.

const (
	// Replace by prefered
	appName = "kbs"

Run app

$ make clean-and-run

You should see something like this

1:39PM INF Cookie store key value=hVuOOv5PNBnqTk2o13JsCgOPcIAe4p19
1:39PM INF Reading template path=account/_ctxbar.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=account/_flash.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=account/_header.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=account/_roles.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=account/roles.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=layout/base.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/_ctxbar.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/_flash.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/_form.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/_header.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/_item.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/_list.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/edit.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/index.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/initdel.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/new.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=permission/show.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/_ctxbar.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/_flash.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/_form.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/_header.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/_item.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/_list.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/_permissions.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/edit.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/index.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/initdel.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/new.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/permissions.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=resource/show.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/_ctxbar.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/_flash.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/_form.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/_header.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/_item.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/_list.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/_permissions.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/edit.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/index.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/initdel.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/new.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/permissions.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=role/show.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/_ctxbar.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/_flash.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/_form.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/_header.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/_item.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/_list.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/_signin.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/_signup.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/edit.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/index.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/initdel.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/new.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/show.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/signin.tmpl
1:39PM INF Reading template path=user/signup.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=account/roles.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=permission/new.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=permission/show.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=permission/edit.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=permission/index.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=permission/initdel.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=resource/show.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=resource/new.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=resource/initdel.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=resource/edit.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=resource/permissions.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=resource/index.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=role/new.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=role/show.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=role/index.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=role/edit.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=role/initdel.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=role/permissions.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=user/edit.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=user/new.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=user/index.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=user/show.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=user/initdel.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=user/signin.tmpl
1:39PM INF Parsed template set path=user/signup.tmpl
1:39PM INF Dialing to Postgres host="host=localhost port=5432 user=kabestan password=kabestan dbname=kabestan_dev sslmode=disable"
1:39PM INF Postgres connection established
1:39PM INF New migrator name=migrator
1:39PM INF New seeder name=seeder
1:39PM INF New handler name=ses-mailer
1:39PM INF Migration already applied name=enable_postgis
1:39PM INF Migration already applied name=create_users_table
1:39PM INF Migration already applied name=create_accounts_table
1:39PM INF Migration already applied name=create_resources_table
1:39PM INF Migration already applied name=create_roles_table
1:39PM INF Migration already applied name=create_permissions_table
1:39PM INF Migration already applied name=create_account_roles_table
1:39PM INF Migration already applied name=create_role_permissions_table
1:39PM INF Migration already applied name=create_resource_permissions_table
1:39PM INF Seed already applied name=create_users_and_accounts
1:39PM INF Seed already applied name=create_resources
1:39PM INF Seed already applied name=create_roles
1:39PM INF Seed already applied name=create_permissions
1:39PM INF Seed already applied name=create_account_roles
1:39PM INF Seed already applied name=create_role_permissions
1:39PM INF Seed already applied name=create_resource_permissions
1:39PM INF Web server initializing port=:8080

Make commands

A brief summary of the most used commands

make build

Builds the application

make run

Run the application through a shell script that previously sets the environment variables with required values. In case you need to change some envar, you can edit this script: scripts/

make test

Run tests

make grc-test

Run tests with coloured output. grc needs to be available in your system.


It generates a binary representation for html templates, translations and other resources that allows compiler to embed them within the target file. clean-and-run runs this make task as subtask before starting the applicacion.


Build a staging Docker image of this application and pushes it to Docker Hub.


Same as make build-stage but for production images.


Deploys app to Googke GKE usando HELM. I haven't created helm .yaml files so this command is not functional yet.


Same as make install-stage but for production images.