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iCloud Activation iOS 12.5.1 bypass (macOS) v1.0.0

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@adrianjagielak adrianjagielak released this 17 Mar 18:31
· 2 commits to master since this release

Reliable iCloud Activation iOS 12.5.1 bypass working 100% of the time for macOS (tested on two A7 iPhones 5s) (should work for any "late" iOS 12 (12.4+ I guess? I tested it only on 12.5.1 as there is no point in having older iOS 12 on A7 devices))

Running the bypass script

  1. Download and upack this tool (

  2. Download checkra1n.

  3. Right click and run bypass-first.command file (or bypass-second.command if your device was already bypassed and you just rebooted) and follow the instructions.

  4. Enjoy your unlocked iDevice :) If you succeed please let me know opening an issue with your device model and iOS version. so I can add them to this Readme as tested. Thanks :)
