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📝 This repository stores the swagger specifications of the openrouteservice API. Browse to swagger for a detailed overview.


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This repository stores the swagger specifications of the openrouteservice API in yaml and json format. For an API-Key please sign up at our developers portal. A live version of this documentation can be found on swaggerhub.


This readme stores additional information, examples and encoding tables that go beyond the display options of swagger.

Travel Time Calculation

The travel time is calculated for each segment by using speed-limits for different waytypes and adjusting them for different grades or surfaces of the road. If multiple values apply for this segment, the lowest value is used. For cycling profiles also the steepness is considered. These limits can be reduced by setting the maxSpeed parameter in the options. The final average speed-limits can be requested by adding AvgSpeed to the extra_info parameter. The following table shows the initial speed-limits used for the main profiles:

(all Values in km/h)

Waytype Speeds

Corresponds to the OSM highway tag value.

Waytype \ Profile -> driving-car driving-hgv cycling-regular
motorway 100 85 -
motorway_link 60 50 -
motorroad 90 80 -
trunk 85 60 18
trunk_link 60 50 18
primary 65 60 18
primary_link 50 50 18
secondary 60 60 18
secondary_link 50 50 18
tertiary 50 50 18
tertiary_link 40 40 18
unclassified 30 30 16
residential 30 30 18
living_street 10 10 6
service 20 20 14
road 20 20 12
track 15 15 12
path - - 12
footway - - 6
pedestrian - - 6
cycleway - - 18

Surface Speeds

Corresponds to the OSM surface tag value.

Surface \ Profile -> driving-car driving-hgv cycling-regular
asphalt -1 -1 18
concrete -1 -1 18
concrete:plates -1 -1 16
concrete:lanes -1 -1 16
paved -1 -1 18
cement 80 60 -1
compacted 80 60 18
fine_gravel 60 50 16
paving_stones 40 40 12
metal 40 40 10
bricks 40 40 -1
grass 30 30 8
wood 30 30 6
sett 30 30 10
grass_paver 30 30 8
gravel 30 30 12
unpaved 30 30 14
ground 30 30 12
dirt 30 30 10
pebblestone 30 30 16
tartan 30 30 -1
cobblestone 20 20 8
clay 20 20 -1
earth 15 15 12
stone 15 15 -1
rocky 15 15 -1
sand 15 15 6
mud 10 10 10
unknown: 30 30 -1

Tracktype Speeds

Corresponds to the OSM tracktype tag value.

Tracktype \ Profile -> driving-car driving-hgv cycling-regular
grade1 40 40 18
grade2 30 30 12
grade3 20 20 8
grade4 15 15 6
grade5 10 10 4

Pedestrian Speeds

The foot-* profiles generally use 5 km/h on all allowed waytypes. Allowed waytypes consist of ways that are safe for use, ways that are better avoided (but still allowed) and other allowed ways in between:

safe tags avoid tags other highway tags
footway trunk cycleway
path trunk_link unclassified
steps primary road
pedestrian primary_link
living_street secondary
track secondary_link
residential tertiary
service tertiary_link

Country Speed Sets

As there are various traffic regulations in different countries. If maximum speed tag is not given in openstreetmap, we adjust the maximum speed according to the following key values taken from country specific speed limits.

Country Tags driving-car driving-hgv
Austria AT:urban 50 50
AT:rural 100 80
AT:trunk 100 80
AT:motorway 130 80
Switzerland CH:urban 50 50
CH:rural 80 80
CH:trunk 100 80
CH:motorway 120 80
Czech Republic CZ:urban 50 50
CZ:rural 90 90
CZ:trunk 80 80
CZ:motorway 80 80
Denmark DK:urban 50 50
DK:rural 80 80
DK:motorway 130 80
Germany DE:living_street 7 7
DE:urban 50 50
DE:rural 100 80
DE:motorway 130 80
FI:urban 50 50
Finland FI:rural 80 80
FI:trunk 100 80
FI:motorway 120 80
France FR:urban 50 50
FR:rural 90 80
FR:trunk 110 80
FR:motorway 130 80
Greece GR:urban 50 50
GR:rural 90 80
GR:trunk 110 80
GR:motorway 130 80
Hungary HU:urban 50 50
HU:rural 90 80
HU:trunk 110 80
HU:motorway 130 80
Italy IT:urban 50 50
IT:rural 90 80
IT:trunk 110 80
IT:motorway 130 80
Japan JP:national 60 60
Poland PL:living_street 20 20
PL:urban 50 50
PL:rural 90 80
PL:motorway 140 80
Romania RO:urban 50 50
RO:rural 90 80
RO:trunk 100 80
RO:motorway 130 80
Russia RU:living_street 20 20
RU:rural 90 80
RU:urban 60 60
RU:motorway 110 80
Slovakia SK:urban 50 50
SK:rural 90 80
SK:trunk 90 80
SK:motorway 90 80
Slovenia SI:urban 50 50
SI:rural 90 80
SI:trunk 110 80
SI:motorway 130 80
Spain ES:urban 50 50
ES:rural 90 80
ES:trunk 100 80
ES:motorway 120 80
Sweden SE:urban 50 50
SE:rural 70 70
SE:trunk 90 80
SE:motorway 110 80
United Kingdom GB:nsl_single 95 90
GB:nsl_dual 112 90
GB:motorway 112 90
USA UA:urban 60 60
UA:rural 90 80
UA:trunk 110 80
UA:motorway 130 80
Uzbekistan UZ:living_street 30 30
UZ:urban 70 70
UZ:rural 100 90
UZ:motorway 110 90

URL Encoding

To use the curl command string you have to encode special characters. Values you need are shown in this table:

Character { | } " [ ]
Encoding %7B %7C %7D %22 %5B %5D

Sometimes needs to be used for the options object.

Geocoding structured query

A structured geocoding request is more precise than a normal one. It is also very useful for querying locations from tables. For a structured request insert a JSON Object with at least on of the following parameters into the query parameter of the geocoding request:

Parameter Description
address Can contain a full address with house number or only a street name
neighbourhood Vernacular geographic entities that may not necessarily be official administrative divisions but are important nonetheless
borough Mostly known in the context of New York City, even though they may exist in other cities, such as Mexico City
locality Name of a City
county Administrative division between localities and regions
region Normally the first-level administrative divisions within countries, analogous to states and provinces in the United States and Canada, respectively, though most other countries contain regions as well
postalcode A postalcode
country Name of a country. Supports two- and three-letter abbreviations


  "address": "Berliner Straße 45",
  "locality": "Heidelberg",
  "country": "Germany",
  "postalcode": "69120"

uglyfied and encoded:

%7B"address": "Berliner Straße 45","locality": "Heidelberg","country": "Germany","postalcode": "69120"%7D

Geocoding Response

Explanation of returned parameters

Place type

Describes the returned location type

Value Description
venue Points of interest, businesses, things with walls
address Places with a street address
street Streets, roads, highways
neighbourhood Social communities, neighbourhoods
borough Local administrative boundary, currently only used for New York City
localadmin Local administrative boundaries
locality Towns, hamlets, cities
county Official governmental area; usually bigger than a locality, almost always smaller than a region
macrocounty Related group of counties. Mostly in Europe
region States and provinces
macroregion Related group of regions. Mostly in Europe
country Places that issue passports, nations, nation-states

Routing options

For advanced options formatted as json object. For structure refer to the examples below. The available parameters are:

  • maximum_speed : Specifies a maximum travel speed restriction in km/h.

  • avoid_features : Pipe (|) separated list of features to avoid. The available features are :

    Feature Available for
    highways driving-*
    tollways driving-*
    ferries driving-*, cycling-*, foot-*, wheelchair
    tunnels driving-*
    pavedroads driving-*, cycling-*
    unpavedroads driving-*, cycling-*
    tracks driving-*
    fords driving-*, cycling-*, foot-*
    steps cycling-*, foot-*, wheelchair
    hills cycling-*, foot-*
  • avoid_borders : "all" for no border crossing. "controlled" to cross open borders but avoid controlled ones. Only for driving-* profiles.

  • avoid_countries : Pipe (|) separated list of countries to exclude from routing with driving-* profiles. Can be used together with "avoid_features": "controlledborders". "11|193" would exclude Austria and Switzerland. List of countries and application examples can be found in the country list.

  • vehicle_type (for profile=driving-hgv only): hgv,bus,agricultural,delivery,forestry and goods. It is needed for vehicle restrictions to work.

  • profile_params : Specifies additional routing parameters.

    • weightings: Weightings will prioritize specified factors over the shortest path.

      • steepness_difficulty: Specifies the fitness level for cycling-* profiles.

        • level: 0 = Novice, 1 = Moderate, 2 = Amateur, 3 = Pro. The prefered gradient increases with level
      • green: Specifies the Green factor for foot-* profiles.

        • factor: Values range from 0 to 1. 0 equals normal routing. 1 will prefer ways through green areas over a shorter route.
      • quiet: Specifies the Quiet factor for foot-* profiles.

        • factor: Values range from 0 to 1. 0 equals normal routing. 1 will prefer quiet ways over a shorter route.
    • restrictions : Specifies restrictions for driving-hgv, wheelchair or cycling-* profiles.

      • for cycling-*:

        Parameter Description
        gradient Only for avoided hills or specified steepness_difficulty. Specifies the maximum route steepness in percent. Values range from 1 to 15. Routes with a higher gradient are avoided.
      • for driving-hgv: (you have to specify the vehicle_type in the options for these parameters)

        Parameter Description
        length Length restriction in meters.
        width Width restriction in meters.
        height Height restriction in meters.
        axleload Axleload restriction in tons.
        weight Weight restriction in tons.
        hazmat Specifies whether to use appropriate routing for delivering hazardous goods and avoiding water protected areas. Default is false.
      • for wheelchair:

        Parameter Description
        surface_type Specifies the minimum surface type. Default is "cobblestone:flattened".
        track_type Specifies the minimum grade of the route. Default is "grade1".
        smoothness_type Specifies the minimum smoothness of the route. Default is "good".
        maximum_sloped_curb Specifies the maximum height of the sloped curb in meters. Values are 0.03, 0.06(default), 0.1 or any.
        maximum_incline Specifies the maximum incline as a percentage. 3, 6(default), 10, 15 or any.
  • avoid_polygons : Comprises areas to be avoided for the route. Formatted as geojson polygon or geojson multipolygon.


If your request works without the options object, but returns an error with it: try to %-encode the options object!

Some options examples in readable and minified JSON form:

for profile=driving-car:

    "maximum_speed": 100,
    "avoid_features": "ferries|tollways"


for profile=cycling-*:

"maximum_speed": 18,
"avoid_features": "hills|unpavedroads",
"profile_params": {
    "weightings": {
        "steepness_difficulty": {
            "level": 2
  "restrictions": {
            "gradient": 13
"avoid_polygons": {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [
        [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]


for profile=foot-*:

    "avoid_features": "fords|ferries",
    "profile_params": {
        "weightings": {
            "green": {
                "factor": 0.8
            "quiet": {
                "factor": 1.0
    "avoid_polygons": {  
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
            [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]


for profile=driving-hgv:

    "avoid_features": "hills|ferries|tollways",
    "vehcile_type": "hgv",
    "profile_params": {
        "restrictions": {
            "length": 30,
            "width": 30,
            "height": 3,
            "axleload": 4,
            "weight": 3,
            "hazmat": true
    "avoid_polygons": {  
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
            [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]


for profile=wheelchair:

    "avoid_features": "hills|ferries|steps",
    "profile_params": {
        "restrictions": {
            "surface_type": "cobblestone:flattened",
            "track_type": "grade1",
            "smoothness_type": "good",
            "maximum_sloped_curb": 0.06,
            "maximum_incline": 6


border restrictions

Examples for routing options object with border restrictions:

Do not cross country borders at all:



Do not cross controlled borders (i.e. USA - Canada) but allow crossing of open borders (i.e. France - Germany):

    "avoid_features": "controlledborders"


Do not route through Austria or Switzerland:

    "profile_params": {
        "weightings": {
            "borders": {
                "country": "1|120"


Pass open borders but do not cross into Switzerland:

    "avoid_features": "controlledborders",
    "profile_params": {
        "weightings": {
            "borders": {
                "country": 193


country list

country_id name name:en country_id name name:en country_id name name:en country_id name name:en country_id name name:en
1 افغانستان Afghanistan 49 Hrvatska Croatia 97 Italia Italy 145 Nigeria Nigeria 193 Schweiz - Suisse - Svizzera - Svizra Switzerland
2 Shqipëria Albania 50 Cuba Cuba 98 Jamaica Jamaica 146 Niuē Niue 194 سوريا Syria
3 Algeria Algeria 51 Κύπρος - Kıbrıs Cyprus 99 Jangy-ayyl Jangy-ayyl 147 조선민주주의인민공화국 North Korea 195 臺灣 Taiwan
4 Andorra Andorra 52 Česko Czech Republic 100 日本 Japan 148 Norge Norway 196 Тоҷикистон Tajikistan
5 Angola Angola 53 Danmark Denmark 101 Jersey Jersey 149 عمان Oman 197 Tanzania Tanzania
6 Anguilla Anguilla 54 Djibouti Djibouti 102 الأردن Jordan 150 ‏پاکستان‎ Pakistan 198 ประเทศไทย Thailand
7 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda 55 Dominica Dominica 103 Қазақстан Kazakhstan 151 Belau Palau 199 The Bahamas The Bahamas
8 Argentina Argentina 56 República Dominicana Dominican Republic 104 Kenya Kenya 152 الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة Palestinian Territories 200 Nederland The Netherlands
9 Հայաստան Armenia 57 Timór Loro Sa'e East Timor 105 Kiribati Kiribati 153 Panamá Panama 201 Togo Togo
10 Australia Australia 58 Ecuador Ecuador 106 Kosovë Kosovo 154 Papua Niugini Papua New Guinea 202 Tokelau Tokelau
11 Österreich Austria 59 Egypt مصر Egypt 107 ‏الكويت‎ Kuwait 155 Paraguay Paraguay 203 Tonga Tonga
12 Azərbaycan Azerbaijan 60 El Salvador El Salvador 108 Кыргызстан Kyrgyzstan 156 Perú Peru 204 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
13 ‏البحرين‎ Bahrain 61 Guinea Ecuatorial Equatorial Guinea 109 ປະເທດລາວ Laos 157 Philippines Philippines 205 Tunisie ⵜⵓⵏⵙ تونس Tunisia
14 বাংলাদেশ Bangladesh 62 ኤርትራ Eritrea 110 Latvija Latvia 158 Pitcairn Islands Pitcairn Islands 206 Türkiye Turkey
15 Barbados Barbados 63 Eesti Estonia 111 لبنان Lebanon 159 Polska Poland 207 Türkmenistan Turkmenistan
16 Беларусь Belarus 64 ኢትዮጵያ Ethiopia Ethiopia 112 Lesotho Lesotho 160 Portugal Portugal 208 Turks and Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands
17 België - Belgique - Belgien Belgium 65 Falkland Islands Falkland Islands 113 Liberia Liberia 161 ‏قطر‎ Qatar 209 Tuvalu Tuvalu
18 Belize Belize 66 Føroyar Faroe Islands 114 Libya ⵍⵉⴱⵢⴰ ليبيا Libya 162 România Romania 210 Uganda Uganda
19 Bénin Benin 67 Federated States of Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia 115 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein 163 Российская Федерация Russian Federation 211 Україна Ukraine
20 Bermuda Bermuda 68 Viti Fiji 116 Lietuva Lithuania 164 Rwanda Rwanda 212 الإمارات العربيّة المتّحدة United Arab Emirates
21 འབྲུག་ཡུལ་ Bhutan 69 Suomi Finland 117 Lëtzebuerg Luxembourg 165 Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic 213 United Kingdom United Kingdom
22 Bolivia Bolivia 70 France France 118 Македонија Macedonia 166 Saint Helena - Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Saint Helena - Ascension and Tristan da Cunha 214 United States of America United States of America
23 Bosna i Hercegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 71 Gabon Gabon 119 Madagasikara Madagascar 167 Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis 215 Uruguay Uruguay
24 Botswana Botswana 72 Gambia Gambia 120 Malawi Malawi 168 Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 216 Oʻzbekiston Uzbekistan
25 Brasil Brazil 73 საქართველო Georgia 121 Malaysia Malaysia 169 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 217 Vanuatu Vanuatu
26 British Indian Ocean Territory British Indian Ocean Territory 74 Deutschland Germany 122 ދިވެހިރާއްޖެ Maldives 170 Sāmoa Samoa 218 Città del Vaticano Vatican City
27 British Sovereign Base Areas British Sovereign Base Areas 75 Deutschland - Belgique / België / Belgien Germany - Belgium 123 Mali Mali 171 San Marino San Marino 219 Venezuela Venezuela
28 British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands 76 Ghana Ghana 124 Malta Malta 172 São Tomé e Príncipe São Tomé and Príncipe 220 Việt Nam Vietnam
29 Brunei Darussalam Brunei 77 Gibraltar Gibraltar 125 Aelōn̄ in M̧ajeļ Marshall Islands 173 ‏المملكة العربية السعودية‎ Saudi Arabia 221 اليمن Yemen
30 България Bulgaria 78 Ελλάδα Greece 126 Mauritanie موريتانيا Mauritania 174 Sénégal Senegal 222 Zambia Zambia
31 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 79 Kalaallit Nunaat Greenland 127 Mauritius Mauritius 175 Србија Serbia 223 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
32 Burundi Burundi 80 Grenada Grenada 128 México Mexico 176 Sesel Seychelles 224 Border India - Bangladesh
33 ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រ​កម្ពុជា Cambodia 81 Guatemala Guatemala 129 Moldova Moldova 177 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 225 Île Verte
34 Cameroun Cameroon 82 Guernsey Guernsey 130 Monaco Monaco 178 Singapore Singapore 226 Border Azerbaijan - Armenia (Enclave AZE)
35 Canada Canada 83 Guinée Guinea 131 Монгол улс Mongolia 179 Slovensko Slovakia 227 Freezland Rock
36 Cabo Verde Cape Verde 84 Guiné-Bissau Guinea-Bissau 132 Црна Гора / Crna Gora Montenegro 180 Slovenija Slovenia 228 Border SI-HR
37 Cayman Islands Cayman Islands 85 Guyana Guyana 133 Montserrat Montserrat 181 Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 229 Willis Island
38 Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka - République Centrafricaine Central African Republic 86 Ayiti Haiti 134 Maroc ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ المغرب Morocco 182 Soomaaliya Somalia 230 Chong-Kara
39 Tchad تشاد Chad 87 Honduras Honduras 135 Moçambique Mozambique 183 South Africa South Africa 231 Ελλάδα - Παγγαίο
40 Chile Chile 88 Magyarország Hungary 136 မြန်မာ Myanmar 184 South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 232 Bristol Island
41 中国 China 89 Ísland Iceland 137 name name:en 185 대한민국 South Korea 233 Dist. Judges Court
42 Colombia Colombia 90 India India 138 Namibia Namibia 186 South Sudan South Sudan 234 Border Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan
43 Komori Comoros 91 Indonesia Indonesia 139 Naoero Nauru 187 España Spain 235 Border Malawi - Mozambique
44 République du Congo Congo-Brazzaville 92 ‏ایران‎ Iran 140 नेपाल Nepal 188 ශ්‍රී ලංකාව இலங்கை Sri Lanka 236 中華民國
45 République démocratique du Congo Congo-Kinshasa 93 العراق Iraq 141 Nederland - Belgique / België / Belgien Netherlands - Belgium 189 Sudan السودان Sudan
46 Cook Islands Cook Islands 94 Ireland Ireland 142 New Zealand/Aotearoa New Zealand 190 Suriname Suriname
47 Costa Rica Costa Rica 95 Isle of Man Isle of Man 143 Nicaragua Nicaragua 191 Swaziland Swaziland
48 Côte d’Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire 96 מדינת ישראל Israel 144 Niger Niger 192 Sverige Sweden

Routing Response

Encoding of the Extra Information:


Negative values indicate decline, positive incline.

Value Encoding
-5 >16%
-4 12-15%
-3 7-11%
-2 4-6%
-1 1-3%
0 0%
1 1-3%
2 4-6%
3 7-11%
4 12-15%
5 >16%


The suitability values for the selected profile range from 10 for best suitability to 1 for worst suitability.


Value Name
0 Unknown
1 Paved
2 Unpaved
3 Asphalt
4 Concrete
5 Cobblestone
6 Metal
7 Wood
8 Compacted Gravel
9 Fine Gravel
10 Gravel
11 Dirt
12 Ground
13 Ice
14 Paving Stones
15 Sand
16 Woodchips
17 Grass
18 Grass Paver


The exponential assignment of the values is used for bit fields. One route section may belong to different categories. Hence a value of 97 would indicate a belonging to Paved road, Tunnel and Highway (64 + 32 + 1 ).

Value Name
0 No category
1 Highway
2 Steps
4 Ferry
8 Unpaved road
16 Track
32 Tunnel
64 Paved road
128 Ford


Value Name
0 Unknown
1 State Road
2 Road
3 Street
4 Path
5 Track
6 Cycleway
7 Footway
8 Steps
9 Ferry
10 Construction


This value is in km/h and equals the average speed for this way segment after grading and applying factors.

Instruction Types

Value Encoding
0 Left
1 Right
2 Sharp left
3 Sharp right
4 Slight left
5 Slight right
6 Straight
7 Enter roundabout
8 Exit roundabout
9 U-turn
10 Goal
11 Depart
12 Keep left
13 Keep right


Tollway specific information for the selected mode of transport. Thus it depends on the profile if a ways is marked as tollway.

Value Encoding
0 no tollway
1 is tollway

Trail difficulty

This extra provides information about a trails difficulty for hiking as well as for mountain-biking.

Value foot-* cycling-*
0 no tag no tag
1 sac_scale=hiking mtb:scale=0
2 sac_scale=mountain_hiking mtb:scale=1
3 sac_scale=demanding_mountain_hiking mtb:scale=2
4 sac_scale=alpine_hiking mtb:scale=3
5 sac_scale=demanding_alpine_hiking mtb:scale=4
6 sac_scale=difficult_alpine_hiking mtb:scale=5
7 --- mtb:scale=6

Places Response

The following tables contain the related names for the category_group_ids and the subordinate category_ids.


Category groups

Name Value
accomodation 100
animals 120
arts_and_culture 130
education 150
facilities 160
financial 190
healthcare 200
historic 220
leisure_and_entertainment 260
natural 330
public_places 360
service 390
shops 420
sustenance 560
transport 580
tourism 620


Categories listed by group

accomodation : 100

Name Value
alpine_hut 101
apparmtent 102
camp_site 103
caravan_site 104
chalet 105
guest_house 106
hostel 107
hotel 108
motel 109
wilderness_hut 110

animals : 120

Name Value
animal_boarding 121
animal_shelter 122
veterinary 123
pet 124

arts_and_culture : 130

Name Value
arts_centre 131
gallery 132
library 133
museum 134
place_of_worship 135
studio 136

education : 150

Name Value
college 151
driving_school 152
kindergarten 153
lanuage_school 154
music_school 155
school 156
university 157

facilities : 160

Name Value Name Value
compressed_air 161 recycling 172
bench 162 recycling_station 173
emergency_phone 163 sanitary_dump_station 174
clock 164 shelter 175
defibrillator 165 shower 176
drinking_water 166 table 177
fire_hydrant 167 telephone 178
hunting_stand 168 toilets 179
internet_cafe 169 waste_basket 180
kneipp_water_cure 170 waste_disposal 181
post_box 171 water_point 182

financial : 190

Name Value
atm 191
bank 192
bureau_de_change 193

healthcare : 200

Name Value
baby_hatch 201
clinic 202
dentist 203
doctors 204
emergency_access_point 205
hospital 206
nursing_home 207
pharmacy 208
retirement_home 209
social_facility 210
blood_donation 211

historic : 220

Name Value Name Value Name Value
aircraft 221 farm 231 optical_telegraph 241
aqueduct 222 fort 232 pillory 242
archaeological_site 223 gallows 233 ruins 243
castle 224 highwater_mark 234 rune_stone 244
cannon 225 locomotive 235 ship 245
city_gate 226 manor 236 tomb 246
citywalls 227 memorial 237 wayside_cross 247
battlefield 228 milestone 238 wayside_shrine 248
boundary_stone 229 monastery 239 wreck 249
building 230 monument 240

leisure_and_entertainment : 260

Name Value Name Value Name Value Name Value Name Value
adult_gaming_centre 261 fitness_centre 271 picnic_table 281 swimming_area 291 dojo 301
amusement_arcade 262 garden 272 pitch 282 swimming_pool 292 gambling 302
beach_resort 263 golf_course 273 playground 283 track 293 nightclub 303
bandstand 264 hackerspace 274 raceway 284 turkish_bath 294 planetarium 304
bird_hide 265 horse_riding 275 public_bath 285 water_park 295 social_centre 305
common 266 ice_ring 276 sauna 286 wildlife_hide 296 spa 306
dance 267 marina 277 slipway 287 brothel 297 stripclub 307
dog_park 268 miniature_golf 278 sports_centre 288 casino 298 aquarium 308
firepit 269 nature_reserve 279 stadium 289 cinema 299 theme_park 309
fishing 270 park 280 summer_camp 290 dive_centre 300 zoo 310

natural : 330

Name Value
cave_entrance 331
beach 332
geyser 333
hill 334
peak 335
rock 336
saddle 337
spring 338
volcano 339
water 340

public_places : 360

Name Value
embassy 361
crematorium 362
community_centre 363
courthouse 364
coworking_space 365
crypt 366
fire_station 367
grave_yard 368
police 369
post_office 370
prison 371
ranger_station 372
rescue_station 373
townhall 374

service : 390

Name Value
beauty 391
estate_agent 392
dry_cleaning 393
glaziery 394
hairdresser 395
laundry 396
massage 397
photo_booth 398
tailor 399
tattoo 400

shops : 420

Name Value Name Value Name Value Name Value Name Value Name Value
agrarian 421 curtain 441 e-cigarette 461 hifi 481 optician 502 tiles 522
alkohol 422 cheese 442 farm 462 houseware 482 organic 503 tobacco 523
antiques 423 chemist 443 fashion 463 hunting 483 outdoor 504 toys 524
art 424 chocolate 444 fishing 464 jewelry 485 paint 505 trophy 525
bag 425 clock 445 florist 465 leather 486 pastry 506 tyres 526
bakery 426 clocks 446 funeral_directors 466 locksmith 487 perfumery 507 variety_store 527
bed 427 clothes 447 furniture 467 kiosk 488 photo 508 vending_machine 528
beverages 428 coffee 448 games 468 kitchen 489 pyrotechnics 509 video 529
bicycle 429 computer 449 garden_centre 469 lamps 490 radiotechnics 510 video_games 530
books 430 confectionery 450 garden_furniture 470 lottery 491 seefood 511 watches 531
boutique 431 convenience 451 gas 471 mall 492 second_hand 512 weapons 532
brewing_supplies 432 copyshop 452 general 472 marketplace 493 security 513 wine 533
business_machines 433 cosmetics 453 gift 473 medical_supply 494 shoes 514
butcher 434 dairy 454 greengrocer 474 mobile_phone 495 spices 515
caf? 435 deli 455 grocery 475 model 496 sports 516
camera 436 department_store 456 interior_decoration 476 motorcycle 497 stationery 517
candles 437 doityourself 457 hairdresser_supply 477 music 498 supermarket 518
car 438 electrical 458 hardware 478 musical_instrument 499 swimming_pool 519
car_parts 439 electronics 459 hearing_aids 479 nutrition_supplements 500 tea 520
carpet 440 erotic 460 herbalist 480 newsagent 501 ticket 521

sustenance : 560

Name Value
bar 561
bbq 562
biergarten 563
caf? 564
drinking_water 565
fast_food 566
food_court 567
ice_cream 568
pub 569
restaurant 570

transport : 580

Name Value Name Value Name Value
aerodrome 581 car_sharing 591 parking 601
aeroport 582 car_wash 592 parking_entrance 602
bicycle_parking 583 charging_station 593 parking_space 603
bicycle_rental 584 ev_charging 594 station 604
bicycle_repair_station 585 ferry_terminal 595 tram_stop 605
boat_sharing 586 fuel 596 taxi 606
bus_station 587 halt 597
bus_stop 588 helipad 598
car_rental 589 heliport 599
car_repair 590 motorcycle_parking 600

tourism : 620

Name Value
artwork 621
attraction 622
fountain 623
information 624
picnic_site 625
travel_agency 626
viewpoint 627

Matrix Response

The Matrix Response contains one matrix for each specified metrics value. In this matrix the items(rows) correspond to the number of sources and the entries(columns) of each item correspond to the number of destinations.

Here is a simple example for sources=2,3 and destinations=all with 4 locations:

Location L0 L1 L2 L3
L2 L2 -> L0 L2 -> L1 0 L2 -> L3
L3 L3 -> L0 L3 -> L1 L3 -> L2 0

The result is null if a value can't be determined.


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