Log forwarder for aggregating allocation logs from nomad worker agents.
Run the application on each worker in a nomad cluster. nomad_follower will follow all allocations on the worker and tail the allocation logs to the aggregate log file.
docker pull devopsintralox/nomad_follower:latest
docker run -v log_folder:/log -e LOG_FILE="/logs/nomad-forwarder.log" devopsintralox/nomad_follower:latest
nomad_follower will stop following completed allocations and will start following new allocations as they become available.
nomad_follower can be deployed with nomad in a system task group along with a log collector. The aggregate log file can then be shared with the log collector by writing the aggregate log file into the shared allocation folder.
nomad_follower formats log entries as json formatted logs. It will convert string formatted logs to json formatted logs by passing the log entry in the message
nomad_follower adds a service_name
key that contains the listed service names for a task.
Using nomad_follower prevents the cluster operator from having to run a log collector in every task group for every task on a worker while still allowing nomad to handle the logs for each allocation.