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Release Private Beta

jonsnyder edited this page Oct 4, 2021 · 13 revisions

Release Alloy

  1. Checkout branch in Alloy to release
  2. Update library name in implementation details?
  3. Install dependencies: npm ci
  4. Increment version - first time: npm version preminor --preid beta --no-git-tag-version, after that: npm version prerelease --preid beta --no-git-tag-version
  5. Add changed files and commit.
  6. Build alloy.js files: npm run build
  7. Upload them to CDN under a folder for the private beta.
    1. sftp -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no
    2. mkdir edge-destinations-beta
    3. cd edge-destinations-beta
    4. mkdir 2.7.0-beta.0
    5. cd 2.7.0-beta.0
    6. put ./dist/alloy.js
    7. put ./dist/alloy.min.js
  8. Test CDN urls
  9. Build files for NPM package which extension will use: npm run prepublishOnly

Release the Extension

  1. Checkout branch in reactor-extension-alloy.
  2. Run npm ci
  3. First time only: Change @adobe/alloy "version" to "../alloy" (This assumes that alloy and reactor-extension-alloy directories are siblings).
  4. First time only: Update extension.json to have a different name.
  5. Increment version - first time: npm version preminor --preid beta --no-git-tag-version, after that: npm version prerelease --preid beta --no-git-tag-version
  6. Add changed files and commit.
  7. Package Extension: npm run package
  8. Upload extension.
  9. Release extension to private.
  10. Work with Launch team to add the extension to other orgs.

Released Names for edge-destinations-beta

  1. adobe-alloy-edb: Experience Platform International
  2. adobe-alloy-edb2: Luma ACxP
  3. adobe-alloy-edb3: SANOMA OYJ
  4. adobe-alloy-edg4: Experience Edge Early Access