1.0.1 (2025-03-12)
- release: release aem-import-helper under the adobe namespace (b6b53e2)
- Add unit test coverage (#6) (16b6146)
- Figure out asset folder name from jcr image path (#15) (461292c)
- sites-29589: [Xwalk] aem-import-helper should take zip file and image mapping as args (#20) (2c1c615)
- sites-29590: support user bearer token (#22) (4d190b1)
- [Import Assistant] Page transformations (#4) (bfacdb0)
- Implement standalone upload command (72fd15d)
- Import Assistant (#7) (05e2082)
- Initial implementation of SharePoint upload (00eb93a)
- Initial implementation of SharePoint upload (6cfc248)
- Initial implementation of SharePoint upload (927d7eb)
- Initial implementation of SharePoint upload (cc5a4b1)
- Show UI URL when job was created (#13) (04db418)
- SITES-27041 [Import Assistant] Remove system prompts from import builder (#9) (978a68d)
- sites-29400: integrate xwalk support into aem-import-helper (#17) (e4e3afd)
- sites-29416: [Xwalk] Add support for importing non-image assets (#19) (3c6c87d)
- SITES-29655 Remove import assistant related code from the helper (823c56a)
- SITES-29655 Remove import assistant related code from the helper (c3caac0)
- SITES-29655 Remove import assistant related code from the helper (7f262e1)
- Upload content to AEM (#11) (6140cf1)
- Use multipart formdata to start a job (#3) (852d96d)