Filed under: Fisheries
Different uses of ADMB in fisheries stock assessments or other fisheries work
A fisheries model with random effects : Catch-age model from Schnute and Richards (1995) with annual recruitments as random effects.
Baranov catch equation : Example by Steven Martell of writing adjoint code in ADMB to numerically solve the Baranov catch equation. A simple simulation model is used to generate simulated catch and relative abundance data with observation error only. The assessment model is then conditioned on the simulated catch data.
Pella-Tomlinson basic model : Pella-Tomlinson by Arni Magnusson with user interface and formatted MCMC output. Repeats and extends the analysis of Polacheck et al. (1993).
Pella-Tomlinson from ADMB manual : Pella-Tomlinson example by Dave Fournier from the ADMB manual. Demonstrates several innovative modelling approaches: 6 month time step, time-varying K and q.
Skate mortality: Bayesian state-space model Bayesian state-space model example from the NCEAS non-linear modelling working group