Instagam is a RestFull API Social Media project. This project is made using the Go programming language and using the Gin framework. In the implementation of programming and layout, it uses Clean Architecture
The project structure is as follows:
Layer | Directory |
Frameworks & Drivers | Infrastructures |
Interface | Interfaces |
Usecases | Usecases |
Entities | Domain |
To start running this project locally,
git clone
Open mygram-api folder and install all required dependencies
cd instagam && go mod tidy
Copy the example env file and adjust the env file
cp .env.example .env
Start the server
The First Way To run directly the main.go file, you can use the following command:
go run ./app/main.go
The Second Way To run using Makefile, you can use the command as follows:
Make run
The Third Way To run using nodemon, you can use the command as follows:
nodemon --exec go run ./app/main.go
Or you can use a Makefile that has provided the nodemon command:
Make run-nodemons
For complete details on how to run using Makefile can be seen in the Makefile file.
Check the Instagam API documentation