Universal demultiplexer for Adey Lab
Adjust default parameters in the unidex.cfg file to reflect paths and excutables to match your system.
Next, create a line in the config file for your application. Details are in the header for the file for how to set up a mode.
unidex [options]
-L List modes present in the mode config file
Can specifiy a different mode file with -m and it will list modes in that file.
-I [MODE] Provide info on one or more comma separated modes as detailed in the specified
modes file (-m or default).
-R [STR] Run Folder (where fastq files are present)
-M [LIST] Mode list - modes must be specified in the modes.cfg file
Modes must be comma separated and will demultiplex in specified order listed.
-l Delayed mode. Will wait until fastq files are propagated
in the specified fastq directory (-r), then will run.
Only works when specifying run name, not individual fastq files.
-O [STR] Output folder (def = run name, -R)
-d [INT] Max allowed hamming distance (def = 2)
Defaults are specified in unidex.cfg, can be overridden here.
-r [PATH] Fastq folder full path
-o [PATH] Output folder
-m [STR] Mode config file
-1 [STR] Read 1 fastq
-2 [STR] Index 1 fastq
-3 [STR] Index 2 fastq
-4 [STR] Read 2 fastq
-A [STR] Annotation file(s), comma separated with mode specified
If only one mode is specified, then it will default to that mode
[mode1]=[annot_file1],[mode2]=[annot_file2],etc... OR
First column of annot file designates mode for thast annot
-u Only report a read to the first mode that it matches (def = all)
-n [INT] Only process the first n reads of the input fastq (def = all)
-c [STR] File for compressing base triplets in reads names. (def = in unidex.cfg file)
It is strongly discouraged to use a different file for this.
-g [STR] Gzip command (def = in unidex.cfg file)
-z [STR] Zcat command (def = in unidex.cfg file)
-V Verbose / debug mode (outputs to STDERR)