This repository contains my activities in the System Engineering DevOps Projects, which were completed as part of the Full Stack Software Engineering programme organized by ALX Africa. I was part of the cohort08, and the program ran from June 2022 to July 2023.
The projects were implemented using various programming languages, including shell, Python, Puppet, C, and Ruby. By completing these projects, I have gained valuable experience and knowledge in System Engineering and DevOps.
All of the following folders are projects done during the studies:
Project name | Description |
0x00-shell_basics |
It aims to learn about basics commands, navigation, files and directories in Shell |
0x01-shell_permissions |
It aims to learn about man pages, permissions (owner, group and other) of files and directories in Shell |
0x02-shell_redirections |
It aims to learn about how to handle standard input and output and how to combine commands and filters with redirections in Shell |
0x03-shell_variable_expansions |
It aims to learn about alias builtin, help builtin, local, global and reserved variables (PATH, HOME and PS1), special parameters $? and single an double quotes in Shell |
0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing |
It aims to learn about loops (while , until and for ), condition statements (if , else , elif and case ), shebangs and how to create SSH keys with Bash |
0x05-processes_and_signals |
It aims to learn about PID, processes and commands that handles them (ps , pgrep , pkill , kill , etc) in Bash |
0x06-regular_expressions |
It aims to learn about how to build a regular expression |
0x07-networking_basics |
It aims to learn about what is an OSI model, LAN, WAN, IP address, localhost, subnet and TCP/UDP |
0x08-networking_basics_2 |
It aims to learn about what is localhost/, what is, what is /etc/hosts and how to display the machine's active network interfaces |
0x09-web_infrastructure_design |
It aims to learn about how to design a Web Infrastructure |
0x0A-configuration_management |
It aims to learn about server configuration management using Puppet |
0x0B-ssh |
It aims to learn about what is a SSH, how to create an SSH RSA key pair and how to connect to a remote host using SSH |
0x0C-web_server |
It aims to learn about the roles of web servers and their processes (parent and child), and DNS roles |
0x0D-web_stack_debugging_0 |
It aims to learn about how to debug a webstack |
0x0E-web_stack_debugging_1 |
It aims to provide further knowledge on how to debug a webstack |
0x0F-load_balancer |
It aims to learn about how to setup and use a load balancer distributing network load across multiple servers |
0x10-https_ssl |
This aims to learn about SSL certificates and authentication |
0x11-what_happens_when_your_type_google_com_in_your_browser_and_press_enter |
This aims to write an article explaining the intricacies of what happens when one makes a google search |
0x12-web_stack_debugging_2 |
This aims to provide further knowledge of what was previously learned in webstack debugging |
0x13-firewall |
This aims to learm about firewalls and how to set them up for servers |
0x14-mysql |
This aims to learn how to incorporate the use of MySQL in this module |
0x15-api |
This aims to learn how to incorporate the use of api in this module |
Command Line For The Win |
This aims to gain mastery of command line commands across different difficulties |
Attack Is The Best Defense |
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