Addapptables is an admin template developed using angular.
ng-addapptables is a free template for angular.
step 1 - Angular is the core of Addapptables.
step 2 - Angular Material is the primary UI library of Addapptables. It's a set of Angular components, directives and services that implements Material Design Specifications and it's in active development by Google.
step 3 - Angular Cli is a tool to initialize, develop, scaffold and maintain Angular applications
- Install Nodejs
- Open the terminal and type npm install -g @angular/cli
- Open the terminal and navigate into your work folder, run the following command and wait for npm install to finish.
npm install
- Run the project with angular cli with
ng serve
or type
npm start
- Build production with
npm run build-prod
ng build --prod
Addapptables has a fairly simple directory structure. All source code that you will need stays inside the /src folder. Once you build your app, a /dist folder will appear at the root which will contain the built app. You can simply upload the contents of it to your server to start running your app.
The source folder has the general Angular CLI project structure along with an additional folder called /@addapptable which contains the core elements of Addapptables.
- /App This folder contains the AppComponent along with the bellow directories. Everything that these folders contains inside belongs to your app and you can edit them; however, if you prefer you can modify it while building your app:
├── admin # Pages and page layouts.
├── auth # Authorization pages.
├── localication # Source files (alternatively `lib` or `app`)
├── shared # Automated tests (alternatively `spec` or `tests`)
├── documentation
├── # Contains skeleton template with authorization component and menu component
Addapptables uses ngx-translate module and supports multiple languages and translations.
Usage: In order to use the translations, create your translation file within the module you want to use the translations. For example, for the English translation, create assets/i18n/en.json file.
Addapptables has created several components for community use. You can see these components on the following links