You can probably view a running example of this repository here
This is a blog engine created with Flask and Bulma. It uses SimpleMDE as a backend for editing, and highlightjs for source code highlighting in blog posts.
This repo is designed to work and be deployed with the Dokku docker tool.
Don't forget to change SECRET_KEY in if you deploy this on your own server.
- GitHub flavored markdown in posts.
- Highlight.js on code blocks out of the box.
- Post tagging.
- idk
Set environment variable DATABASE_URL to point to a valid postgresql instance.
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://localhost/blog
Then run:
to start a development server.
- Set up dokku on a host
- Create an app on that host
- Create a postgres service with dokku and link it to the app you created
- Push this app to your dokku host
- Visit
- Login with admin/password and change the password or create a new admin user and delete the default admin user.
You can also just run this app with gunicorn and point a webserver at it, should work just as well.