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👋 This repo contains scripts to bootstrap my tools of choice and take care as much of the setup process as possible. It currently supports MacOS, Debian(Stable), Manjaro(Arch), Fedora.

This Installation script will:

  1. Install technologies listed here
  2. Move all old configuration files into a directory called ~/dotfiles_old
  3. Symlink new configuration files in ${HOME} directory to ~/dotfiles
  4. Will set your default shell to Zsh

Getting Started

  $ git clone $HOME/dotfiles
  $ cd $HOME/dotfiles
  $ chmod +x install/
  $ ./install/

FAQs, DE's, and MISC

  • Help setting up Mac OS can be found here
  • Help setting up XFCE can be found here
  • Help setting up Gnome can be found here
  • Check for true color compatibility here
  • FAQs found here

Technologies included

Software OS
antigen All
kitty All
Starship All
Z Shell All
neovim All
htop All
gotop All
Neovim All
vim-plug All
Antigen All
ripgrep All
lolcat All
bundler All
nvm All
node All
fzf All
rbenv All
pyenv All
bash-language-server All
vim-language-server All
eslint All
bat All but debian
Fira All
xcape linux
xclip linux
i3-gaps linux
compton linux
rofi linux
feh linux
xfce4-power-manager linux
polybar linux
seahorse linux
networkmanager-tui linux
lxappearance-gtk linux
imagemagick linux
dbus linux
firefox MacOS
slack MacOS
homebrew MacOS