Thank you 🙏 for taking the time to implement this coding challenge to build a fast microservice REST API using Java/Kotlin and Spring Boot.
- Take 2-4 hours to implement your project.
- Use coding best practices.
- Create a fork of this repo and share your solution when finished.
A bus company wants to start using technology and allow their users to book online tickets. Please help them build a REST API Level 2(pereferible) that lets them control their trip bookings, supporting the following operations:
- Create a new booking with the following information: name, email, origin, destination, departure date and time and duration.
- Update an existing booking
- Find a booking using its ID.
- Delete an existing booking.
- Using coding best practices.
- SOLID principles.
- Clear usage of Depdencies injection.
- Correct ussage of Spring Boot annotations.
- Correct connection with a persistance layer.
- Java / Kotlin
- Spring Boot
- MongoDB
Once you're done, please send us an email to with the subject: TECH_CHALLENGE_[YOUR NAME] and do not forget to include the link to your repository with the solution. After you submit your code, we will review it and contact you to discuss next steps.
Good luck! 💪