My name is Adriana Kuczaj and I am currently in the first year of studies at the University of Economics in Wrocław. My major is IT in Business.
In addition to my studies, I also try to pursue various courses and workshops to develop my knowledge and programming skills.
This page was created to remember the material from the online course I am a participant of. The course was created by YouCode - Internet Programing School.
To use the currency calculator, you need to select the appropriate currencies - the currency in which you have funds and the currency for which you want to exchange your funds. At the top, enter the amount you want to exchange. Then click the CONVERT button. The result will appear below the currency calculator.
Using the currency calculator, it's easy to check:
how much is your capital worth in foreign currency
how much money in foreign currency your savings are worth
how much foreign currency you will receive for a certain number of zlotys.
In the future, I also intend to supplement the project with an API, so that the rates are constantly updated and consistent with those on the main NBP website.
Check out how it works :)
Project is created with:
- JS