Goal: Train an AI to play drone soccer, and play against other huamans/AI
Essentially, on each team, there's a "striker". This striker must pilot their drone into the enemy teams goal, everybody on their team blocks the enemies striker, and everybody on the opposing team blocks them. More in-depth rules can be found here, but for our purposes, this should be good enough!
For the drone, I went for the Tello, due to it's easy python API, small size, and being relatively cheap (allowing me to upscale to more drones).
First step is training, in this, we're going to teach a drone how to go through the hoop. To collect training data, I've set up a bluetooth server (bluetooth-server.py
), where a video game controller connects to the PC, and the PC relays the commands to the drone. I have to use this relay approach as I need to record data, which their app doesn't allow you to do.
Project is still a WIP...