v0.19.0: scheduled scaling, more configuration options, dry-run support
CAUTION: If you're using the Helm chart, beware to review changes to CRDs and do manually upgrade CRDs! Helm installs CRDs only on installing a chart. It doesn't automatically upgrade CRDs. Otherwise you end up with troubles like #427, #467, and #468. Please refer to the UPGRADING docs for the latest process.
This is a big release with lots of new features! (sorry if you're off the list, this release included a lot of changes so I've only mentioned the major stuff below, all changes are highly appreciated!)
This release includes the following major changes from the following contributors:
- Lots and lots of documentation improvements and fixes from lots of great people :D
- @rofafor added docker registry configuration option (#478)
- @mumoshu added scale from 0 runner count functionality (#465)
- @thejasn made the ephemerality configuration optional allowing for long lived static runners (#465)
- @mumoshu added scaling schedules (#513 #515 #524)
- @Carus11 bumped kube-proxy to 0.10.0 (#609)
- @mumoshu parameterised the github-api-cache-duration in the kustomize build and the Helm chart (#535)
- @mumoshu made the log level configurable (#541)
- @mumoshu @ToMe25 Fixes for the CI tests
- @mumoshu kubectl diff / dry-run support (#549)
- @js-timbirkett added STARTUP_DELAY option to runner entrypoint.sh (#592)
- @backjo added support for seLinuxOptions (#599)