Simple component system with integrated routing.
You"ll need to enable jsx in your tsconfig
{ "compileOnSave": false, "compilerOptions": { "jsx": "react", "jsxFactory": "this.createElement", .... } }
Compile your client with tsc
and page compile
tsc && page compile
Create a component by extending the component class
export class ExampleComponent extends Component {
constructor() {
render() {
return <section>
Example Component!
new ExampleComponent().host(document.body);
Let"s extends this by creating a recursive component
export class ExampleRecursiveComponent extends Component {
constructor(private index: number) {
render() {
return <section>
Component {this.index}
{index > 0 && new ExampleRecursiveComponent(index - 1)}
new ExampleRecursiveComponent(10).host(document.body);
page has a built-in router
const router = new PathRouter(PageComponent
.route("/home", HomeComponent),
.route("/books", BooksComponent
.route("/:id", BookDetailComponent)
// will only be resolved and thus loaded when users access the /admin route
// → your builder can do code splitting!
.route("/admin", () => import("./admin").then(module => module.default))
class PageComponent extends Component {
render(child) {
return <main>
class HomeComponent extends Component {
render() {
return <p>Welcome to my Book Store</p>;
class BooksComponent extends Component {
render(child) {
return <section>
class BookOverviewComponent extends Component {
render() {
return <ui-book-overview>
<button ui-href="someid">Some book!</button>
<button ui-href="someid">Some other book!</button>
<button ui-href="someid">Another book!</button>
class BookDetailComponent extends Component {
parameters: { id: string }
render() {
return <p>Book with id {}</p>;
You can create custom directives (attribute handlers).
Component.directives["epic-link"] = (element, value, tag, attributes, content) => {
element.onclick = () => {
location.href = value;
export class ExampleComponent extends Component {
constructor() {
render() {
return <section>
Test <a epic-link="">Link</a>
new ExampleComponent().host(document.body);