Simple, configurable mock / proxy server with 0 dependencies.
Table of Contents
npm i -D @acrontum/moxy
import { MoxyServer } from '@acrontum/moxy';
const moxy = new MoxyServer();
moxy.on('hello/world', {
get: {
status: 200,
body: {
message: 'Welcome!'
await moxy.listen(5000);
# load from local routes folder, and add single get handler for /hello/world
npx @acrontum/moxy --port 5000 --routes ./routes/ --on '{
"path": "hello/world",
"config": {
"get": {
"status": 418,
"body": {
"message": "I am a teapot"
docker run \
--name moxy \
--publish 5000:5000 \
--volume $PWD/routes:/opt/routes \
acrontum/moxy --port 5000 --routes /opt/routes
# OR acrontum/moxy --port 5000 --on '{ "path": "hello/world", "config": { "get": { "status":200, "body":{ "message":"Welcome!" } } } }'
version: "3.7"
image: acrontum/moxy
container_name: moxy
- ./routes:/opt/routes
- PORT=80
- 5000:80
init: true
command: --allow-http-config --routes /opt/routes
Examples (see the examples folder)
note that examples are in TypeScript for clarity, but moxy is a javascript library so you will need to transpile if you want to use TypeScript.
import { MoxyServer } from '@acrontum/moxy';
const moxy = new MoxyServer();
await moxy.listen(5000);
moxy.on('/api/cats', {
get: {
body: [
{ name: 'alice', flavour: 'yellow' },
{ name: 'bob', flavour: 'black' },
{ name: 'cheshire', flavour: 'stripey' }
// curl localhost:5000/api/cats
// -> 200 [{"name":"alice","flavour":"yellow"},{"name":"bob","flavour":"black"},{"name":"cheshire","flavour":"stripey"}]
moxy.on('/api/cats/alice', {
get: {
body: {
name: 'alice',
flavour: 'yellow'
// curl localhost:5000/api/cats/alice
// -> 200 {"name":"alice","flavour":"yellow"}
import { MoxyServer } from '@acrontum/moxy';
// initialize with default settings (optional)
const moxy = new MoxyServer({
logging: 'verbose',
router: {
allowHttpRouteConfig: false
// start listening on port 5000 (can be done before or after route configuration)
await moxy.listen(5000);
// configure listener for a GET /some/path, responding with a 200 and text body "Hi!"
moxy.on('/some/path', {
get: {
status: 200,
body: 'Hi!',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }
// configure multiple routes (/auth/login, /auth/logout, and /auth/register) by prefix:
moxy.onAll('/auth/', {
'/login/': {
post: {
status: 401,
body: { message: 'Unauthorized' }
'/logout/': {
post: {
status: 204
'/register/': {
post: {
status: 201,
body: { message: 'welcome' }
// handle all HTTP verbs with a request handler
moxy.on('/not/a/test', (req: MoxyRequest, res: MoxyResponse, variables: HandlerVariables) => {
console.log('Hi world.');
return res.sendJson({ pewPew: 'lazors' });
moxy.on('/still/not/a/test', {
patch: (req: MoxyRequest, res: MoxyResponse, variables: HandlerVariables) => {
console.log('Updating the world.');
return res.sendJson({ pewPew: 'lazors' });
// load from filesystem
await moxy.addRoutesFromFolder('/path/to/my/routes');
// using basic variable replacement, search in a static folder and return an image
moxy.on('/users/:userId/profile-picture', '/static/images/:userId.png');
// ... make requests against moxy
// stop the server. closeConnections: true will close any active connections immediately instead of waiting for them.
await moxy.close({ closeConnections: true });
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { after, afterEach, before } from 'mocha';
import { default as supertest } from 'supertest';
import { MoxyServer } from '@acrontum/moxy';
import { MyApplication } from '../path/to/my/app/src';
describe('API auth', () => {
const moxy: MoxyServer = new MoxyServer({ logging: 'error' });
let request: supertest.SuperTest<supertest.Test>;
before(async () => {
moxy.on('/auth/login', {
post: {
status: 200,
body: {
username: 'bob'
headers: {
'Set-Cookie': 'om-nom-nom;'
await moxy.listen(5001);
MyApplication.configure({ authUrl: 'http://localhost:5001' });
await MyApplication.start();
request = supertest(MyApplication.expressApp);
after(async () => {
await moxy.close({ closeConnections: true });
await MyApplication.stop();
it('can authenticate users', async () => {
await'/v1/login').send({ username: 'bob', password: 'yes' })
.expect(({ status, body }) => {
expect(body).deep.equals({ username: 'bob' });
// no more spyOn(http.send)!
// test your full E2E http request flow
moxy.once('/auth/login', {
post: {
status: 401,
body: {
message: 'Unknown user or invalid password'
await'/v1/login').send({ username: 'bob', password: 'yes' })
.expect(({ status, body }) => {
expect(body).equals('Failed to login');
import { MoxyServer, MoxyRequest, MoxyResponse, HandlerVariables } from '@acrontum/moxy';
const moxy = new MoxyServer();
await moxy.listen(5000);
moxy.on('/echo/:name', {
get: {
status: 200,
body: {
hello: ':name'
// curl localhost:5000/echo/bob
// -> 200 {"hello":"bob"}
// curl localhost:5000/echo/bob/and/jane
// -> 404
moxy.on('/echo-with-slash/(?<pathWithSlash>.+)', {
get: {
status: 200,
body: {
hello: ':pathWithSlash'
// curl localhost:5000/echo-with-slash/this/will/be/in/the/body
// -> 200 {"hello":"this/will/be/in/the/body"}
moxy.on('/query\\?search=:querySearch', {
get: {
status: 200,
body: {
youSearchedFor: ':querySearch'
moxy.on('/query(.*)', {
get: (req: MoxyRequest, res: MoxyResponse, vars: HandlerVariables) => {
return res.sendJson({ status: 418, query: vars });
// curl localhost:5000/query
// -> {"status":418,"query":{}}
// curl 'localhost:5000/query?search=hello'
// -> {"youSearchedFor":"hello"}
// curl 'localhost:5000/query?test=hello'
// -> {"status":418,"query":{"test":"hello"}}
import { MoxyServer, MoxyRequest, MoxyResponse, HandlerVariables } from '@acrontum/moxy';
import { createWriteStream, promises } from 'fs';
import { join, dirname, resolve } from 'path';
const moxy = new MoxyServer();
// simple file server (GET only, no nested paths)
// NOTE moxy will not accept paths outside of the target assets folder by default
// such as /home/file.png or ../../file.png. To disable this behaviour, use a
// request handler
moxy.on('/v1/assets/:filename', './assets/:filename');
// file server with upload
moxy.on('/v1/database/(?<filename>.+)', {
get: './disk-db/:filename',
put: async (req: MoxyRequest, res: MoxyResponse, vars: HandlerVariables) => {
if (/\.\./.test(vars.filename)) {
return res.sendJson({ status: 422, message: 'Invalid filename' });
const outfile = join('./disk-db', vars.filename);
await promises.mkdir(resolve(dirname(outfile)), { recursive: true });
const output = createWriteStream(outfile, 'utf-8');
req.on('end', () => res.sendJson({ status: 201, message: 'ok' }));
await moxy.listen(5000);
mkdir assets/
echo 'hello world!' > assets/welcome.txt
curl localhost:5000/v1/assets/hello.html
# -> 404
curl localhost:5000/v1/assets/welcome.txt
# -> 200 hello world!
curl localhost:5000/v1/database/secrets/passwords.txt
# -> 404
curl -XPUT localhost:5000/v1/database/secrets/passwords.txt -d 'admin=super-secret'
# -> 201
curl localhost:5000/v1/database/secrets/passwords.txt
# -> 200 admin=super-secret
import { MoxyServer } from '@acrontum/moxy';
const moxy = new MoxyServer({ router: { allowHttpRouteConfig: true } });
// transparent proxy moxy -> google
moxy.on('/(?<path>.*)', {
proxy: ''
await moxy.listen(5000);
open http://localhost:5000/search?q=acrontum/moxy
since we allowed httpConfig, we can do this from the browser devtools:
fetch('http://localhost:5000/_moxy/routes', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({
path: '/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_92x30dp.png',
config: {
proxy: ''
and now when we refresh, the google logo is a Canada flag (much better, eh?)
Or a 1-liner from the cli to spin up a quick proxy server
npx @acrontum/moxy --port 5000 --on '{ "path": "/(?<path>.*)", "config": { "proxy": "" } }' --allow-http-config
import { HandlerVariables, MoxyRequest, MoxyResponse, MoxyServer } from '@acrontum/moxy';
import { exec, spawn } from 'child_process';
import { existsSync } from 'fs';
import { rm } from 'fs/promises';
import { join } from 'path';
import { promisify } from 'util';
const moxy = new MoxyServer();
const run = promisify(exec);
const pack = (service: string) => {
const name = `# service=${service}\n`;
const len = (4 + name.length).toString(16);
return `${Array(4 - len.length + 1).join('0')}${len}${name}0000`;
const getRepo = (repoName: string) => join('./repos', repoName.replace('.git', ''));
moxy.on('/projects/:repo/info/refs\\?service=:service', {
get: async (req: MoxyRequest, res: MoxyResponse, vars: HandlerVariables): Promise<MoxyResponse> => {
const repo = getRepo(vars.repo as string);
const service = vars.service as string;
if (!existsSync(repo)) {
return res.sendJson({ status: 404, body: 'Not found', vars });
try {
if (!existsSync(join(repo, '.git'))) {
await run(`git init -q && git add -A && git commit -am init`, { cwd: repo });
} else {
await run(`git add -A && git commit -am init || echo 'up to date'`, { cwd: repo });
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': `application/x-${service}-advertisement`,
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
const uploadPack = spawn(service, ['--stateless-rpc', '--advertise-refs', repo]);
return uploadPack.stdout.pipe(res);
} catch (e) {
return res.sendJson({ status: 404, body: 'Not found', vars });
moxy.on('/projects/:repo/git-upload-pack', {
post: async (req: MoxyRequest, res: MoxyResponse, vars: HandlerVariables): Promise<MoxyResponse> => {
const repo = getRepo(vars.repo as string);
if (!existsSync(repo)) {
return res.sendJson({ status: 404, body: 'Not found', vars });
try {
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-git-upload-pack-response',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
const proc = spawn(`git-upload-pack`, ['--stateless-rpc', repo]);
proc.stdout.on('end', () => rm(join(repo, '.git'), { recursive: true }).catch(console.error));
return proc.stdout.pipe(res);
} catch (e) {
return res.sendJson({ status: 404, body: 'Not found', vars });
await moxy.listen(5000);
git clone http://localhost:5000/projects/server.git
git clone http://localhost:5000/projects/app
The examples folder contains most of the examples above, as well as the example config which has common configuration options with comments:
import { HandlerVariables, MoxyRequest, MoxyResponse, Routes } from '@acrontum/moxy';
// The export name is unused, so it can be anything. Moxy will use the path to the file and the values of the Routes to
// configure the routing.
export const routeConfig: Routes = {
// example using basic path params and replacements.
'/:machineId/measurements/:measurementId': {
get: {
status: 200,
// variables from the path can be injected into the response.
// The simple version is ":variableName" in the path params and body. By
// default, this will only match word boundaries (eg /:variable/).
body: `<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h1>Machine: :machineId - measurement: :measurementId</h1>
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/html',
// The more complicated method is using regex capture groups. This allows for more control over how groups are
// captured (eg for matching slashes in the path).
'/static/(?<file>.*)': {
// When the value for a method is a simple string, a file is assumed.
get: '/public/:file',
// This is the short form of the above:
'/assets/(?<file>.*)': '/www-data/:file',
// With the above 2 configs, moxy will look in the `./public` folder for requests to `/static/path/to/file`, and the
// `./www-data` folder for requests to `/assets/path/to/file`. These are relative to the process's current directory,
// so if you ran from this folder it would look in `./images` and `./public` and try to return the file.
'auth/login': {
post: {
status: 200,
body: {
active: true,
user_id: 'user_id',
'/users/:username': {
patch: {
status: 200,
body: {
firstName: 'pat',
username: ':username',
get: {
status: 200,
body: {
firstName: 'pat',
username: ':username',
// example which proxies requests from moxy.test/proxied-server/<target> to google/<target>
'proxied-server(?<path>.*)': {
// here, everything after proxied-server is passed through to the proxy target
proxy: '',
// proxy options are the same as http request options, and are passed through.
proxyOptions: {
headers: {
'x-auth-token': 'totally-real',
'manual-override': (request: MoxyRequest, response: MoxyResponse, variables: HandlerVariables) => {
response.end('I am a teapot');
'partly-manual-override/:userId': {
get: {
status: 418,
body: 'I am a teapot',
post: (request: MoxyRequest, response: MoxyResponse, variables: HandlerVariables) => {
response.end(`Brew started for ${variables.userId}`);
'/glacial/': {
// slow all methods by 100ms
delay: 100,
get: {
// slow only 1 method by 100ms
delay: 100,
status: 204,
delete: {
status: 204,
// note that by default, the path is converted to a regex, so special chars
// should be escaped
'/path/with/query\\?search=:theSearchThing': {
get: {
body: 'you searched for :theSearchThing',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
// passing exact: true will prevent the path from being converted to a regex.
// NOTE: this will also disable simple or regex replacements. Parsed query params will still be returned in
// HandlerVariables if you use a request handler (see below).
'/exact/match/:notCaptured?queryMustHave': {
exact: true,
get: {
status: 204,
// if the handler would normally be a function and exact matching is desired,the 'all' method can be used to achieve
// this.
'/exact/match/handler?ignore=(.*)': {
exact: true,
all: (request: MoxyRequest, response: MoxyResponse, variables: HandlerVariables) => {
return response.sendJson({ matchedExactly: true });
See API for full usage.
Assuming moxy is running at localhost:5000, and has HTTP config enabled:
# hit the moxy api
curl localhost:5000/_moxy/
# add a new handler that responds to GET /test/path with a 200 and text/plain "neat" response
curl localhost:5000/_moxy/routes \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"path": "/test/path",
"config": {
"get": {
"status": 200,
"body": "neat"
# will show the array of paths avaiable
curl localhost:5000/_moxy/routes
# will show paths and their handler object currently configured
curl localhost:5000/_moxy/router
# test our new route
curl localhost:5000/test/path
# remove our new route
curl -X DELETE localhost:5000/_moxy/routes/test/path
# add a "once" route handler
curl localhost:5000/_moxy/routes?once=true \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"path": "/pew/pew",
"config": {
"get": {
"status": 200,
"body": "neat"
# 200
curl localhost:5000/pew/pew
# 404
curl localhost:5000/pew/pew
Note that you will not be able to configure the response using a function via HTTP.
See API for full usage.
Moxy can load routing configs from the filesystem, searching recursively for .js
or .json
files matching <anything>.routes.js(on)
. This allows you to organize routes into files, and put them in a routes folder (as shown in the example-routing folder).
await moxy.addRoutesFromFolder('/path/to/routes/folder');
# npx cli
npx @acrontum/moxy --routes /path/to/routes/folder
# docker run
docker run acrontum/moxy --routes /path/to/routes/folder
version: "3.7"
image: acrontum/moxy
- ./routes:/opt/routes
command: --routes /opt/routes
When loading routes from folders, the tree structure will determine the routing. For instance, if your folder structure looks like this:
├── routes
│ ├── a
│ │ ├── a.routes.js
│ │ └── b
│ │ └── b.routes.js
│ └── c
│ └── c.routes.json
└── static
├── css
├── js
└── index.html
And you loaded the public
folder into moxy's router like so:
npx @acrontum/moxy --port 5000 --routes ./public
then your route config would look like:
"/public/routes/a/": "...config from a.routes.js file",
"/public/routes/a/b/": "...config from b.routes.js file",
"/public/routes/c": "...config from c.routes.json file"
If you instead loaded the "a"
folder (eg. --routes ./public/a/
, it would look like:
"/a/": "...config from a.routes.js file",
"/a/b/": "...config from b.routes.js file",
See full API docs.
# npx @acrontum/moxy --help
Start a mocking server
-r, --routes FOLDER Add routes from FOLDER. Can be called multiple times,
FOLDER can be multiple separated by comma (,).
-p, --port PORT Run on port PORT. If none specified, will find an
avaiable port.
-o, --on CONFIG Add json CONFIG to routes.
-q, --quiet Decrease log verbosity.
-a, --allow-http-config Allow routes config via HTTP methods. Default false.
-v, --version Show build version and exit.
-h, --help Show this menu.
Moxy exposes some HTTP routes for checking routing configurations. With allowHttpRouteConfig
enabled it will also expose HTTP CRUD routes:
const server = new MoxyServer({ router: { allowHttpRouteConfig: true } });
npx @acrontum/moxy --allow-http-config
The HTTP API offers most of the functionality that programatic or file configs offer, although it is not possible to create and handler as a function at this time.
Returns the list of api methods:
"GET /router?once=false&serializeMethods=true": "show router",
"GET /routes?once=false": "show router routes",
// below are only available with '--allow-http-config'
"POST /routes?once=false": "create route",
"PUT /routes/:route": "create or update route",
"PATCH /routes/:route": "update route",
"DELETE /routes/:route": "delete route"
Display a list of routes which moxy is listening to with default query params (if applicable).
Query params:
: Show routes which will fire once then be removed (eg for testing).
Will return the current router config, including response handlers.
Query params:
: Show routes which will fire once then be removed (eg for testing).
: Don't call .toString()
on methods (removes some noise).
Will add a json payload to the router.
The payload should contain path
and config
, where path
is the router path and config
is RouteConfig
"path": "/some/path",
"config": {
"get": {
"status": 200
Query params:
: As soon as this route is hit, remove it.
The response will be a 201 containing the newly added route.
Will update the route specified by :route
will match everything after /router/
including slashes).
Payload: RouteConfig
The response will be a 200 containing the newly updated route.
Will replace the route specified by :route
will match everything after /router/
including slashes).
Payload: RouteConfig
The response will be a 201, or 200 if a route was replaced.
Will delete the route specified by :route
will match everything after /router/
including slashes).
The response will be a 200 containing { message: 'Ok' }