Collecting the various configs, settings & snippets I have set up. Trying to track my changes like a responsible person.
I've switched from manually maintaining symlinks to using chezmoi.
If you haven't installed chezmoi already, follow the installation instructions to install and initialize this repo. It should be something like this:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply acrobertson"
If you already have chezmoi install, either init with chezmoi init
or if you've already done that apply the dotfiles with chezmoi update
To use everything included here, you'll need to install:
- Oh My ZSH – framework for managing ZSH config
- Homebrew – macOS package manager
- Karabiner-Elements - app for keyboard customization
Make sure you've got the Brewfile
in your home directory and then install all the Homebrew packages at once with brew bundle
EDIT: I've temporarily removed the Brewfile until I find a better way to manage it.
Now that Goku is installed, compile the Karabiner config by running goku
. If you want to run the service in the background to recompile anytime the Goku file is edited, run brew services start goku