This application is a study project
- 2D/3D user interface
- ability to taking photos and stitchung them to panorama
- ability to view pictures in gallery
- OpenCV library
- LibGDX library
- ButterKnife
- The pictures will be taken ONLY when you are pointing in a centre of every rectangle AND if you dont shake camera too mach
- In FullAuto mode press shutter and move phone around.
- In Manual mode press shutter every time you want take a picture.
- If you done, press save button to process stitching and saving procedure
- Tap gallery icon to see the panorama
- Tap restart to clear everything and start making new photo
- Swipe from left side to manage settings
- Auto: all pictures are processed
- Panorama: longest chain of pictures horizontally will be processed (might not work)
- Wide: pictures that makes bigest area will be processed (might not work)
- 360: only when every cell on sphere is filled with picture panorama will be proccessed (not working/not optimised, try only on lovest picture quality)
- High quality: highest your divice provide (dont stitch more than 4 pictures)
- Low quality: pictures in HD (around 720p)
- Lowest quality: lowest provided by device (fast for testing)
- opencv-3.3.1-android-sdk
- android-ndk-r15c 64bit