DEPRECATED, use this instead:
Makes some html elements dependent on others.
If the dependency is removed from the DOM, the dependents are also removed after a while.
<script src=""></script>
You can create the service by defining the root element of the dependencies.
const dependency_service=new HTMLElementDependencyService(document.body);
Then just start the service.
To define an element as a dependecy you can use the add(...) method with this syntax:
const head=document.querySelector('head');
const main=document.querySelector('main');
const footer=document.querySelector('footer');
dependency_service.dependency(head).of(main,footer); // we make the main and the footer element dependants of the head
const aside=document.querySelector('aside');
dependency_service.dependency(head).of(aside); // we make the aside element too
head.remove(); // now the head and all its dependents are removed afte a while
Let's say you render or add a button
to the body
, but for structural reasons you prefer to inject the css and js into the head
In this case, you can make the style
and script
tag dependent on the button
, so if for any reason the button
is removed, its css and js are also removed.