Evaluate short-run potential for MPB establishment, eruption, and spread in Canadian boreal forests.
- Alex M. Chubaty (achubaty@for-cast.ca)
- Barry Cooke (barry.cooke@canada.ca)
- Eliot McIntire (eliot.mcintire@canada.ca)
Date: June 30, 2021
Future linkages include the LandR
Biomass suite of modules to simulate/forecast forest vegetation dynamics, and the fireSense
wildfire simulation model.
All modules are written in R and all model code was developed collaboratively using GitHub (https://github.com), with each module contained in it's own (currently private) git repository (see below). Code that is shared among modules was bundled into R packages, and hosted in open git repositories. All package code is automatically and regularly tested using cross-platform continuous integration frameworks to ensure the code is reliable and free of errors.
## main branch
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/achubaty/LandR_MPB
## development branch
git clone --single-branch -b development --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/achubaty/LandR_MPB
- R version 4.0 or higher
- GDAL, PROJ, GEOS system libraries
The code is mostly self-sufficient: additional packages than those below are needed, but will be installed automatically.
See 03-packages.R
to see which additional packages will be used.