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This is a project dedicated to creating and training an AI to play pro level checkers/draughts for UAF CS 405/605.



  • Create a neural network with random weights. (2/18, JH)
  • Solve the neural network. (2/18, JH)
  • Add a minimax search with a piece count evaluation function. (2/XX, JK)


  • Modify random neural network to specified uniformly distributed range. (2/18, JH)
  • Given neural network, create offspring. (2/18, JH)
  • Test program to check correctly generated Gaussian pseudo-random values (non NN-related).
  • Test program to check offspring lie on the Gaussian curve.


  • Implement alpha-beta pruning.
  • Generation manager (OffspringProducer).
  • Determine file storage structure.
  • Testing (hand examine games played & test children in Gaussian curve).


  • g++ compliant files added in g++_timing_exes. If the executables do not work for you, I have instructions also in that directory if you need it.

Task List

  • Apply board evaluation function to mini-max/alpha-beta.
  • Feed piece count into final board eval (can this be done with just two connectors?).
  • Testing for NeuralNetwork_PERF (for result of layer 1 first node).
  • Modify draw condition.
  • Calculate and record branch factor. (mini max or alpha beta)
  • Calculate leaf nodes evaluated. (mini max or alpha beta)
  • Record leaf nodes evaluated.
  • Calculate and record expanded (but not evaluated) nodes. (mini max or alpha beta)
  • Remove original NeuralNetwork.
  • Implement alpha-beta pruning. (JK)
  • Implement iterative deepening search if time allows.
  • Decide topology.
  • Provide time per generation trained values. (IDEALLY 3 SEC/n-PLY-GAME FOR 100 GEN IN 12 HOURS -- n == optimal ply per device)
    • JH: 80 minutes/4-ply-generation without alpha-beta pruning (surface pro 3).
      • 40 s/4-ply-game without alpha-beta pruning (average over 8 games).
      • 28 s/4-ply-game WITH alpha-beta pruning (average over 26 games).
      • 26 s/4-ply-game WITH alpha-beta pruning but with dummy all 1 inputs (average over 16 games) (this also included time to construct each dummy input).
    • JK:
    • AM:
  • Examine children and provide proof for correct offspring production.
  • Don't record unfinished games.

Useful Resources

  • Here is the YouTube video that worked for me on getting SFML to work.
  • Here is documentation for pragma optimize to get more accurate timing.
    • Average number of moves per game: 57.5
    • Average seconds per game: 28.6
    • Average moves/sec: 2.2


Version 7

Version 7.2

  • Global bool GLOBAL_DO_WRITE set as false (can change) so that unfinished games are not constantly recorded due to testing.
  • REPLAY_SAVED_GAME now handles replaying games consecutively.

Version 7.1

  • Using raw arrays when applicable.
  • Fixed ambiguity of setting evaluated board as positive no matter whose turn (player ID handled outside) for alpha_beta.
  • input values in NeuralNetwork_PERF::set_input_layer casted to double (not sure if this was truncating values).

Version 7.0

  • Class NeuralNetwork_PERF:
    • now requires player initialization so that m_player_modifier is initialized with constructor.
    • no longer has an issue where the piece count layer was not applying m_player_modifier.
    • has new function get_player_modification which returns m_player_modifier for tracking purposes (may not be useful).
  • Class OffspringProducer:
    • no longer has an issue with incorrect declaration of topology size (brought up by the piece count layer).
  • Function min_max_search:
    • uses a raw array now in attempt to meet computation speed requirement.
    • now does NOT handle player identity (as it is handled NeuralNetwork_PERF itself through m_player_modifier).
      • This seems to have fixed the issue of suicidal networks.
  • New global int call_count to keep track of min_max_search calls. Related calculations (leaf nodes, non-leaf nodes, etc) are presented in LNE.txt (I forget what this stands for).
  • Cleaned up main.cpp's AI move chooser.
  • Watch wtf.txt in previous_gen_data for an interesting GEN0 game.

Version 6

Version 6.6

  • Changed min_max_search: return value is double, or else truncates to 0 causing incorrect decision making.
  • Above is done to alpha_betaas well.
  • Fixed NeuralNetwork_PERF where get_output was returning the item one past the end.
  • Networks should be training correctly now; though through playing GEN0 nn0, I've noticed a "feed the king" behavior which may or may not be subjected to just that particular network.
  • I will run some training tonight (3/23, JH).
  • Removed NeuralNetwork class.
  • New global int eval_count that will count leaf nodes evaluated and console print it.
  • New function piece_count_search for non-network pure-piece-count AI algorithm.
  • New main_state NNP_test for testing NeuralNetwork_PERF; tests successful: may delete soon.
  • New function fn_play_checkers to attempt to implement easier AI type switching, though may not be useful.
  • Discovered issue with NNvNN where networks recieved topologies with delimiters and used delimiters as play/evolutionary values.

Version 6.5

  • main_state NERUAL_NETWORK_OFFSPRING renamed to GEN0_GENERATE (call this to produce 30 random networks for GEN0).
  • Modified REPLAY_SAVED_GAME to allow for replaying drawed games.
  • New setting for NNvNN gens_to_train.
  • Timing done for each generation and stored in timing.txt in nn_topologies.
  • New function NeuralNetwork_PERF::set_player to hopeufully fix the issue of both networks playing for the same side.

Version 6.4

  • With version 6.3, some network plays were very questionable and seemed like it did not consider piece count what-so-ever.
  • I will provide all games of NN20 (best performing) of GEN9 for replay purposes.
    • This is located in previous_gen_folder folder.
  • Voiding MAIN_STATE::PLAY_CHECKERS because of interactivity with modified min_max_search.
  • min_max_search now takes NeuralNetwork_PERF as an additional parameter and calculates each "leaf board" (at the end of the ply).
  • Increase modularity for NeuralNetwork_PERF to allow mutation to same object during runtime.
  • New function NeuralNetwork_PERF::get_result returns result (for min_max_search to eat).
  • New function temp_Board::get_board_as_vector returns m_board.
  • New training method (ply = 2) takes ~35 minutes to train 10 generations.

Version 6.3

  • Created results.txt per NNvNN generation.
    • Per line, the active network ID is followed by 5 networks played, then followed by results of the game, respectively (space delimited).
  • Storage structure:
    • GEN#GENID# directory contains:
      • all 30 network topologies
      • games_played_#GENID# directory for games played
        • games played
        • 150 games result file (result.txt) (this will allow easier determination for which networks survived)
    • example access to generation 5 game results:"ai-playing-checkers//nn_topologies//GEN5//games_played_5//result.txt", ifstream::in);
  • QUES: Should the set of 5 games played by each network switch who starts first?
  • QUES: Record lineage?
  • Ply of evaluation is 4.
  • Uses NerualNetwork_PERF::calculate for mini_max_search return values.
  • Fixed OffspringProducer issues with vector indicies.
  • More comments in OffspringProducer.cpp.
  • NNvNN now trains through 10 generations with 1 ply mini max (CURRENTLY NO BOARD EVALUATIONS!!!).
      1. Delete all GENX directories (leave naming_status.txt).
      2. Run NEURAL_NETWORK_OFFSPRING to produce 0th generation randomly generated networks.
      3. Run NNvNN and set desired generations (default to 10, at the moment) to train.
        • 10 generations with 1 ply is about 5~10 minutes, roughly.
    • Produces offspring for the 10th generation but does not play itself on 10th generation.
    • Interestingly, 1 ply mini max values kings as at least 2.0.
  • New OffspringProducer functions:
    • determine_survivors: sets m_survived_parents to all topologies that placed top 15 (in string form).
    • produce_next_generation: records survivors from previous generation and calls produce_offspring on it. Offspring topologies come right after parent topologies after GEN0.
      • TODO: Perhaps collapse determine_survivors into this function.
    • get_current_generation_id: returns generation ID according to naming_status.txt.

Version 6.2

  • New main_state NNvNN which handles network vs network play.
  • main_states NEURAL_NETWORK_TESTING and NEURAL_NETWORK_TIMING removed due to irrelevance.
  • New generations generate new folder within directory to hold games played.
  • Heuristics of network vs network:
    • Active network is always red.
    • Opposing network plays first move.
    • 3 randomly generated moves will be made at the beginning.
    • Networks will not play itself or a repeated network.
    • Reaching move 100 indicates a draw.
    • Networks use 4-ply for minimax iteration.
    • 5 games per network with population of 30 networks: 150 games played.
    • Games played stored in games_played_#GENID# folder found in respective generation directory where #GENID# is replaced with the generation it is in.
      • Gameplay results will also be stored in that folder under results.txt.
      • Games played will be named #ACTIVE#_#OPPO#.txt.

Version 6.1

  • Completed saved games can now be replayed using the REPLAY_SAVED_GAME option for the main_state.
  • The controls for this option are as follows:
    • Spacebar: toggles automatic/manual stepping modes; manual stepping is the default stepping mode. When in automatic stepping mode, manual stepping mode can also be engaged by pressing either the left or right arrow key.
    • Right Arrow Key: steps forward in manual stepping mode.
    • Left Arrow Key: steps backward in manual stepping mode.
    • The R key: restarts the board when end of game has been reached in automatic stepping mode.
    • The Q key: to quit.

Version 6.0

  • New class OffspringProducer added. This class
    • generates random parent topology.
    • records parent topology to specified directory.
      • This currently only supports a single generation and a population of 30.
      • King value and weights are delimited by 9999 while weights and sigma variables are delimited by 8888.
      • ofstream::trunc is used as an argument so previous topology text files will be overwritten per main run.
    • read and writes to nn_topologies\naming_status.txt to perform network naming.
    • does not produce offspring yet.
  • Class NeuralNetwork_PERF topology generation moved to OffspringProducer for reasons:
    • Declutter NeuralNetwork_PERF.
    • Array [] operations were somehow getting overwritten when transferring from NeuralNetwork_PERF to OffspringProducer.
  • topo_proof_x.txt files added as readable verification that the current version of topology generator works correctly.
  • Added separate Gaussian number generator with graphs. This can be found in gnugraph along with further documentation for the generator.
    • The main for the Gaussian number generator has been merged into main.cpp.

Version 5

Version 5.5

  • New class NeuralNetwork_PERF added.
  • New class provides about estimated 130% performance of NeuralNetwork.
  • For some reason, NeuralNetwork timing became about 30% slower with recent runs (crowded main.cpp? new testing calculation functions added to NeuralNetwork? just machine things?).
  • On my(JH) machine, it is currently consistent around 95,000 BEF/sec with the sigmoid function (slightly worse than NeuralNetwork, but better now with NeuralNetwork slowing down).
  • New main_state NEURAL_NETWORK_TIMING_PERF for timing NeuralNetwork_PERF.
  • No current test cases for NeuralNetwork_PERF.

Version 5.4

  • NeuralNetwork now uses arrays for calculations instead. Uses hard coded values for sizes.
    • Both std::vector and std::array compute at least 10 (100? forgot the numbers) times slower than using arrays, thus array computation have been chosen.
      • I can provide the code for the tests if needed.
    • Due to the nature of arrays, their size is statically allocated thus hard-coded global values are used for initialization.
    • Hard-coded values apply to Blonde24 and simple test-case of 4-3-2-1 topology.
  • NeuralNetwork BEF/sec is now roughly 150,000 WITHOUT applying sigmoid.
  • NeuralNetwork BEF/sec is around 100,000 with sigmoid on my machine.
  • Main.cpp now has new states for PLAY_CHECKERS, NEURAL_NETWORK_TESTING, and NEURAL_NETWORK_TIMING for ease of switching between main_modes (thus NeuralNetwork_main.cpp is now merged with main.cpp).
  • Testing mode implemented in NEURAL_NETWORK_TESTING.

Version 5.3

  • Classes Connector and NNNodes removed for simplicity.
  • Class NeuralNetwork now computes the "board evaluation" (Now called calculate_output).
  • Class NeuralNetwork now require more modular initialization.
  • King value, weights, and sigma are saved to a file.
  • Class NeuralNetwork now applies sigmoid function (forgot about this in the previous commit).
  • Fixed an issue where NeuralNetwork would initialize new weights per board evaluation instead of using the previous ones.
  • Timing done in NeuralNetwork_main.cpp for average BEF/sec and BEF/15 sec: averaging around 700~900 BEF per second (that's OK??)
  • NeuralNetwork_main.cpp now also tests the timing for a six layer >10,000 weights NeuralNetwork and prints the related calculations (requirements 1 & 2 fulfilled for PROJ2 deliverables).
  • NeuralNetwork now writes its topology values to file brunette26_topology_gen0.txt within the nn_topologies with first line as the m_king_value and the subsequent lines as a pair of weight and its corresponding sigma value.
    • User must use NeuralNetwork::set_generate_file(true) to write the topology, as it is set to false on default.
    • Topologies now have unique names in the same style as recorded games. Note that this name does not correlate the recorded game file to the topology file generated for it (would it be preferable to give topologies the same date/time as the recorded game that they are generated for?).
  • Live piece count displayed.
  • AI player now prioritizes piece count when deciding its next move.

Version 5.2

  • New class Connector with randomized weights.
  • Each NNNodes in the NeuralNetwork has the correct amount of Connectors to the next layer.
  • Connectors generate randomized values correctly.
  • Working on reading game data for function NeuralNetwork::board_evaluation.
  • process_output rewritten to do that, code has been added to board_evaluation to read in, parse, and store the data.

Version 5.1

  • New temp_Board function write_board_to_file that takes a file name and write the board status of all 32 positions for every single move made in a compressed binary style.
Playable Red Soldier Red King Black Soldier Black King
Binary 100 010 011 000 001
Hex 0x4 0x2 0x3 0x0 0x1
  • The data is stored by rows and each row is denoted by a unsigned short (16-bit) and the first 4 bits are not used. For example, the decimal value 1170 is 0000010010010010 in binary, and is broken up into 0000 010 010 010 010 where the 3-bit sections represent the piece type (in the table above).
  • I am unsure if storing them as binary/hex will cost less memory, please alter accordingly if you please.
  • Integers are stored memory in binary format already.
  • NNNodes objects now use a new sigmoid function for processing inputs. This allows for the range of inputs/output to be in the range of -1 and 1.

Version 5.0

  • New classes NeuralNetwork and NNNodes for creating AI.
  • New classes are currently useless.

Version 4

Version 4.4

  • Right arrow key now generates a random move for whosever turn it is.
  • Resource files (*.png and *.ttf files) are now stored in the res directory.

Version 4.3

  • Identified issue causing crash where both players are to be random AI and only one piece is remaining on either side, it was because of attempted division by 0 when randomizing. Issue is now resolved.
  • Added images and replaced CircleShape piece with Sprite piece.
  • Window does not auto-close at end of game and notes who the winner is.
  • "The player who cannot move, because he has no pieces, or because all of his pieces are blocked, loses the game."

Version 4.2

  • temp_Board objects now allow either player to go first.
  • Allows (ish) for both players to be random AI (when black_is_ai and red_is_ai are both set to true and there is only one piece remaining from either side, the game crashes).
  • Above seems to be resolved (?). Just did a game that ended with 0 black pieces.
  • Added a delay between each move for viewing.
  • Save the moves made and win status and output it to a text file.
  • When the program is run, a game file (.txt) is created; the generated file name contains the current date and time. The file contents are space-delimited and each line contains r or b followed by the move it took, except for the last line which is either R or B depending on who won the game.

Version 4.1

  • Pieces are now displayed smaller allowing the top left corner of the playable slot to display slot id (for easier debugging and/or readability).
  • Changed the white board base because it hurts my eyes a little.
  • Now sports a classy dark brown board base.

Version 4.0

  • New class temp_Board is used to keep track of board status and pieces.
  • Deleted piece.cpp and piece.h files.
  • King moves and jumps correctly for single pieces.
  • In order to perform a multi-jump, the user must override mouse-click mode by pressing the M key and choose a move ID.
  • Move IDs can be generated by pressing the F key.
  • Simple GUI implemented (with selection indication included).
  • Right side of GUI to be implemented as move display, or something to the likes.
  • _RED_ player is by default and AI with random moves generated and _BLACK_ is user.

Version 3

Version 3.2

  • Soft save so progress is not lost.
  • Kings are now able to jump in opposite direction.
  • Kings are not displayed correctly when they move from king spot.
  • 3.2.1 hot fix(?) Kings are now displayed correctly at all times.

Version 3.1

  • Kings now update and print correctly when they reach the king spots.
  • King are not able to jump in the opposite direction (can move in opposite direction).
  • Soft save so progress is not lost.

Version 3.0

  • Player 1 and 2 are now renamed to Player BLACK and RED, respectively.
  • Black pieces are now at the bottom (as required for assignment).
  • Various new data members and functions to store and retrieve moves made, moves possible, and jumps possible.
  • valid_man_move is renamed to generate_valid_moves with different functionality. The function now generates all possible moves and stores in m_all_possible_xxxxx_for_current_player.
  • Fixed an issue where m_alive == dead Piece objects were still left on the board and considered in play.
  • Beginning stages of king transformation attempted to be implemented.
  • main.cpp now allows for more interactive debugging with taking console input.
  • move_piece function now takes the location of a piece as its first parameter (as opposed to piece_id). Invalid locations allow player to retry a different location.

Version 2

  • All files updated.
  • move_piece allows both players to move to empty spaces and jump correctly.
  • New Board function ownership_check to make sure opposing player cannot move each other's pieces.
  • New Board function valid_man_move to check if move declared by move_piece is a valid move, and initiates jump events if needed (for man/men/non-king units only).
  • New Board function get_piece_id retrieves the ID of a Piece object located on a certain position on the board (kind of sketchy, but it seems to work ok and I don't know how else to retreive the piece's index).
  • Piece objects now keep track of their livelihood through m_alive.

Version 1

  • All files updated.
  • Board function move_piece allows movement for player 1 (starting player).
  • New Board functions init_board, clear_board, is_boarder, and update_board used to update Board object correctly for print_board.
  • Board construction now only initializes values.
  • Various new data members for Board objects to keep track of Piece object owners and turn order.
  • New Board function pass_turn and turn checking in move_piece not working properly (fixed: issue #1).

Version 0

  • All relevant current files added.
  • Board object creates a 12 by 12 board with a boarder with width of 2.
  • Board object correctly generates Piece objects according to playable positions.
  • Board function print_board displays Board object for debugging purposes.
  • Piece objects display correct *true positions and directions (*numerical position starting at top left and incrementing right).
  • Piece objects may become king, however no movements currently allow it.
  • main.cpp draws the Board object and displays existing Piece values.

Non-Version Related Comments

  • Currently working on collision check/move piece functions. Feel free to make your own and/or put together a GUI! (1/24, JH)
  • Currently working on implementing king transformations/movements. (1/25, JH)
  • Currently working on all possible move generation. (1/25, JH)
  • Currently working on implementing king movements and debugging transformation. (1/26, JH)
  • Currently working on implementing multijumping. (1/29, JH)
  • Currently working on implementing mouse click based GUI. (1/31, JH)
  • Currently contemplating if SFML related objects should be handled within a class. No for now. (2/1, JH)
  • Devising a way to playback and store game info. Game info storing done by someone else. (2/6, JH)
  • Random move generated by using right arrow. (2/13, JH)
  • Left arrow should move backwards? I'm ok on that. (2/13, JH)
  • Figuring out how to implement the neural network. (2/14, JH)
  • NeuralNetwork should iterate through all boards (currently only one). (2/17, JH)
  • Further optimize speed for calculate_output? (2/18, JH)
    • (below are timing results of NeuralNetwork_PERF)
    • 90,000 BEF/sec => compiled with Visual Studio on a Surface Pro 3 with -O2 turned on
    • 120,000 BEF/sec => compiled with g++ on the desktop in the computer lab without -O2 turned on
    • 290,000 BEF/sec => compiled with g++ on the desktop in the computer lab with -O2 turned on
  • Asexually reproducing brunette26. (2/18, JH)
  • Working on implementing NeuralNetwork_PERF's calculate function to mini_max_search. (3/15, JH)
  • Here's a potentially helpful chart for all the playable positions:
x 0 x 1 x 2 x 3
4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x
x 8 x 9 x 10 x 11
12 x 13 x 14 x 15 x
x 16 x 17 x 18 x 19
20 x 21 x 22 x 23 x
x 24 x 25 x 26 x 27
28 x 29 x 30 x 31 x


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