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EOS setup and sample app



  • Git
  • Ubuntu 16 or 18 LTS (Ubuntu 16.10 recommended)

System Requirements (all platforms)

  • 7GB RAM free required
  • 20GB Disk free required

Overview EOS comes with mainly three modules.

  • nodeos - the core EOSIO node daemon
  • cleos - command line interface to interact with the blockchain and to manage wallets
  • keosd - component that securely stores EOSIO keys in wallets.


Initial installation

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd eos

It will download all the EOS code and its sub-modules

Build the code EOS code can built with multiple ways based on the platform and the desired use.

  • Autobuild Script
  • Docker compose
  • Manual build
  • Install executables

Autobuild script is the one suitable for the developers and we are setting up that model.

$ ./ 

This will take a couple of hours depending on the spec of machine

Build validation Test the build operation’s status(Validation Test) in eos/build directory using the following testing commands.

#Start mongo
$ ~/opt/mongodb/bin/mongod -f ~/opt/mongodb/mongod.conf &
$ cd build
$ make test

Install the executables

$ sudo make install

Single node network

After building the project, you can start the single node by running nodeos

$ cd ~/eos/build/programs/nodeos
$ ./nodeos -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::wallet_api_plugin --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin 

-e :- Enable block production -p :- ID of producer controller by the node --plugin :- To enable multiple plugins

Nodeos uses a configuration folder.The config file ~/.local/share/eosio/nodeos/config can be found in this location.If config.ini is not found a default config.ini is created.

Issues may arise:-
3190000 block_log_exception: Block log exception Block log was not setup properly with genesis information. Solution Clear this folder for the issue :- rm -rf ~/.local/share/eosio/nodeos/data Or ./nodeos --replay-blockchain --hard-replay-blockchain

Wallet Creation

Open a new terminal

$ cd ~/eos/build/programs/cleos 
$ ./cleos wallet create  -n ``<your wallet name> ``
$ ./cleos create key

Sample Response Private key: 5JmJyTf9cYemDctq3a28UM2YDmr3eDStsHSXv1VqgUbCaHTuCbn Public key: EOS8akHPngGi1nfvR55WqiGrTeCtsSLZRvAGT5LBRdrXDmoqQpSXw

Import Private key

./cleos wallet import ``<privatekey>``

Introduction about EOSIO Smart Contract

An EOSIO Smart Contract is software registered on the blockchain and executed on EOSIO nodes, that implements the semantics of a "contract" whose ledger of action requests are being stored on the blockchain. The Smart Contract defines the interface (actions, parameters, data structures) and the code that implements the interface. The code is compiled into a canonical bytecode format that nodes can retrieve and execute. The blockchain stores the transactions of the contract. Every eosio smart contract belongs to a single eosio account. Performing an action to a contract requires the authorization of at least one account. An account can be made of a single, or many, individuals set up in a permission based configuration. Smart contracts can only be run by a single account, and a single account can only have a single smart contract. Note :- Best practice - Use the same (lowercase) name for both the account and contract.

The eosio.token contract explanation

Allows the creation/transfer of tokens. Every token contract is owned by an owner/issuer account.

Steps for Contract Compilation & Deployment

1)Account Creation

`   ./cleos create account eosio eosio.token <OWNER-KEY> <ACTIVE-KEY>   `

Usage ./cleos create account [OPTIONS] creator name OwnerKey ActiveKey


creator TEXT The name of the account creating the new account

name TEXT The name of the new account

OwnerKey TEXT The owner public key for the new account

ActiveKey TEXT The active public key for the new account

Sample Input & Response

       ` ./cleos create account eosio eosio.token  EOS8akHPngGi1nfvR55WqiGrTeCtsSLZRvAGT5LBRdrXDmoqQpSXw EOS5Bi2rhVvVH7JLUwHabEkKkZg4LFB8ifehxoMx8hF6TeZGMWUFQ `
       ` executed transaction: a116a8b0b077132adea1619de2afe1066dbcf68610be0e42fae0c0f7c0240817  200 bytes  45966 us
     eosio <= eosio::newaccount            {"creator":"eosio","name":"eosio.token","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"EOS8akHPngGi1nfvR55Wq...
 2018-08-01T06:01:01.269 thread-0   main.cpp:391                  print_result   warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet `
  1. Contract Compilation

     (i) ` cd eos/contract/eosio.token `
     (ii) ` eosiocpp -o eosio.token.wast eosio.token.cpp `

#######Note about issues

          ` eosiocpp:command not found `


          ` sh cd eos/build `
          ` sh sudo make install `

This command will install and shows the location of installed binaries.

          ` sh -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/eosio/usr/share/eosio/contractsdk/lib/identity_interface.bc
             -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/eosio/bin/nodeos
             -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/eosio/var/log/eosio
             -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/eosio/var/lib/eosio
             -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/eosio/bin/cleos
             -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/eosio/bin/keosd
             -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/eosio/bin/eosio-launcher
             -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/eosio/bin/eosio-abigen
             -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/eosio/bin/eosiocpp `

Add these location to your path as follows.

          ` export PATH=/usr/local/eosio/bins:$PATH
             which eosiocpp

Then your compilation will create the eosio.token.wasm and eosio.token.abi

  1. Contract deployment

              ` sh ./cleos set contract {account} {path_to_contract_folder} {path_to_wast_file} {path_to_abi_file} `
    Positional Parameters :-

    account TEXT - The account to publish a contract for

    wast-file TEXT - The file containing the contract WAST or WASM

    abi-file TEXT - The ABI for the contract

    Sample Input :- ./cleos set contract eosio.token ../../../contracts/eosio.token


              ` Reading WAST/WASM from ../../../contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.wasm...
                Using already assembled WASM...
                Publishing contract...
                executed transaction: 2400492e9729cd94d8c89703f1cb343643f18def9f605ad0985ef7422ff4bd74  8112 bytes  127802 us
    eosio <= eosio::setcode               {"account":"eosio.token","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"0061736d01000000017e1560037f7e7f0060057f7e...
    eosio <= eosio::setabi                {"account":"eosio.token","abi":"0e656f73696f3a3a6162692f312e30010c6163636f756e745f6e616d65046e616d65...
                  2018-08-01T11:19:39.585 thread-0   main.cpp:391                  print_result   warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet```
  2. To verify the contract deployment ./cleos get code eosio.token

Response :-

        ` code hash: 9210637cb6abf6ac8e887cb43c75ca3f86713c9b3b668b0ec63b6e39183b54fd `

EOSIO Token SmartContract Interaction

  1. Create Function

Notes:- Push Action :- Push a transaction with a single action


contract Type: Text - The account providing the contract to execute

action Type: Text - The action to execute on the contract

data Type: Text - The arguments to the contract

./cleos push action eosio.token create '{"issuer":"eosio.token","maximum_supply":"1000000.0000 TKN","can_freeze":"0","can_recall":"0","can_whitelist":"0"}' -p eosio.token Issues :- Error 3080006: Transaction took too long

Solution:- append -x after the set contract command

-x,--expiration :- set the time in seconds before a transaction expires, defaults to 30s

Updated Command :- ./cleos push action eosio.token create '{"issuer":"eosio.token","maximum_supply":"1000000.0000 TKN","can_freeze":"0","can_recall":"0","can_whitelist":"0"}' -p eosio.token -x 600

Response:- executed transaction: 8aafe7154c42bfe600a33a6b0ce088d01c846a658e0872264c59ae455bbd659c 120 bytes 917 us # eosio.token <= eosio.token::create {"issuer":"eosio.token","maximum_supply":"1000000.0000 TKN"} 2018-08-02T05:02:51.930 thread-0 main.cpp:391 print_result warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet

  1. Token Issue Function

     ` ./cleos push action eosio.token issue '{"to":"eosio.token","quantity":"1000.0000 TKN","memo":""}' -p eosio.token`

    Response :-

    `  executed transaction: 389b45416b54b4ec6a5f5b1135f276f0801486835f914fc14a8aa68c5efd605e  120 bytes  882 us
       #   eosio.token <= eosio.token::issue           {"to":"eosio.token","quantity":"1000.0000 TKN","memo":""}
       warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet    ] `
  2. Initial Balance Verification

Notes :-

get table :- Retrieves the contents of a db table

Positionals :-

contract TEXT - The contract who owns the table

scope TEXT - The scope within the contract in which the table is found

table TEXT - The name of the table as specified by the contract abi

     ` ./cleos get table eosio.token eosio.token accounts`

Response :- { "rows": [{ "balance": "1000.0000 TKN" } ], "more": false }

  1. Token Transfer

Transfer tokens from “eosio.token” to “eosio”

     ` ./cleos push action eosio.token transfer '{"from":"eosio.token","to":"eosio","quantity":"20.0000 TKN","memo":"my first transfer"}' -p eosio.token`

Response :-

     `  executed transaction: 6b74bfaff1e613c2185fcc45c2487c5fe2a0abeb0f5243779adb9f2881cc46f0  144 bytes  1336 us
       #   eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"eosio.token","to":"eosio","quantity":"20.0000 TKN","memo":"my first transfer"}
       #         eosio <= eosio.token::transfer        {"from":"eosio.token","to":"eosio","quantity":"20.0000 TKN","memo":"my first transfer"}
      warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet    ] `
  1. Balance checks in two accounts

a)Account 1 ./cleos get table eosio.token eosio accounts

Response :-

       `{   "rows": [{
                       "balance": "20.0000 TKN"
                          more": false

b)Account 2 ./cleos get table eosio.token eosio.token accounts

Response :-

     `{   "rows": [{
                       "balance": "980.0000 TKN"
                          more": false

EOSIO Token SmartContract Explanation

Contract EOSIO.token

  1. .hpp file defines the contract class,actions,tables.// HPP is a file extension for a header file file format.
  2. .cpp file implements the action logic.

.hpp File Explanation:-

Stage 1 :-

                 #pragma once
                 #include <eosiolib/asset.hpp>        ---> Defines API for mananging Assests
                 #include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>        --->  Defines print,contract  
                 #include <string>

                 namespace eosiosystem {
                    class system_contract;

                  namespace eosio {

                        using std::string;

                       }    //namespace eosio

Stage 2 :- //constructor and actions are defined as public members

//constructor takes an account name (which will be the account that the contract is deployed on, aka eosio.token) and sets it to the contract variable.

//The class is inheriting from the ‘eosio::contract’.

                         class token : public contract {           
                                      token( account_name self ):contract(self){}
                                      void create( account_name issuer,asset maximum_supply);
                                      void issue( account_name to, asset quantity, string memo );
                                      void transfer( account_name from,
                                                     account_name to,
                                                     asset        quantity,
                                                     string       memo );

                                     inline asset get_supply( symbol_name sym )const;
                                     inline asset get_balance( account_name owner, symbol_name sym )const;

                                    //accounts table is made up of different account objects each holding the balance for a                  different token
                                    struct account {
                                          asset    balance;

                                          uint64_t primary_key()const { return; }
                                   //The stat table is made up of currency_stats objects (defined by struct currency_stats) that holds a supply, a max_supply, and an issuer.
                                   struct currency_stats {
                                           asset          supply;
                                           asset          max_supply;
                                           account_name   issuer;

                                           uint64_t primary_key()const { return; }

                                //TABLE  :-
                                    this contract will hold data into two different scopes. The accounts table is scoped to an eosio account, and the stat table is scoped to a token symbol name.
                                typedef eosio::multi_index<N(accounts), account> accounts;
                                typedef eosio::multi_index<N(stat), currency_stats> stats;

                                //`code` is the name of the account which has write permission and the `scope` is the account where the data gets stored.

                                void sub_balance( account_name owner, asset value );
                                void add_balance( account_name owner, asset value, account_name ram_payer );

                                      struct transfer_args {
                                               account_name  from;
                                               account_name  to;
                                               asset         quantity;
                                               string        memo;

                              asset token::get_supply( symbol_name sym )const
                                           stats statstable( _self, sym );
                                           const auto& st = statstable.get( sym );

                             asset token::get_balance( account_name owner, symbol_name sym )const
                                      accounts accountstable( _self, owner );
                                      const auto& ac = accountstable.get( sym );
                                      return ac.balance;

Actions : Implemented in cpp file :-

Create -create a new token Parameters :- Issuer,maximum supply Issuer is the only one to increase the token. Permissioned operations requires using the -p flag

                                          *  @file
                                          *  @copyright defined in eos/LICENSE.txt

                             #include "eosio.token.hpp"

                             namespace eosio {

                                       void token::create( account_name issuer,
                                       asset        maximum_supply )
                                             require_auth( _self );
                                             //extract the symbol for the maximum_supply asset
                                             auto sym = maximum_supply.symbol;
                                             eosio_assert( sym.is_valid(), "invalid symbol name" );
                                             eosio_assert( maximum_supply.is_valid(), "invalid supply");
                                             eosio_assert( maximum_supply.amount > 0, "max-supply must be positive");
                                             // stat table called statstable is constructed using the symbols name (token symbol) as its scope
                                             stats statstable( _self, );
                                            // checks whether token already exists or not.
                                             auto existing = statstable.find( );
                                             eosio_assert( existing == statstable.end(), "token with symbol already exists" );
                                             //The first parameter _self in the emplace function means that this contracts account ‘eosio.token’ will pay for the staked storage
                                            statstable.emplace( _self, [&]( auto& s ) {
                                          = maximum_supply.symbol;
                                                   s.max_supply    = maximum_supply;
                                                   s.issuer        = issuer;
                                           //supply's symbol is used as the key for locating the table row

                                          //params :- tokenReceiver,token Quantity,memo

                                          void token::issue( account_name to, asset quantity, string memo )
                                               //Extract the token Symbol
                                               auto sym = quantity.symbol;
                                               eosio_assert( sym.is_valid(), "invalid symbol name" );
                                               eosio_assert( memo.size() <= 256, "memo has more than 256 bytes" );

                                                //create the stat table using the symbol name as the scope
                                                 auto sym_name =;
                                                 stats statstable( _self, sym_name );
                                                 auto existing = statstable.find( sym_name );
                                                 eosio_assert( existing != statstable.end(), "token with symbol does not exist, create token before issue" );
                                                 //st is declared and set to the actual object that the existing iterator is pointing to.
                                                 const auto& st = *existing;

                                                 //The issuer for the created token is required to sign the transaction
                                                 require_auth( st.issuer );
                                                 eosio_assert( quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity" );
                                                 eosio_assert( quantity.amount > 0, "must issue positive quantity" );

                                                 eosio_assert( quantity.symbol ==, "symbol precision mismatch" );
                                                 eosio_assert( quantity.amount <= st.max_supply.amount -, "quantity exceeds available supply");
                                                 //The currency_stats st for our existing token is modified and the issued quantity is added to the supply
                                                 statstable.modify( st, 0, [&]( auto& s ) {
                                                 += quantity;

                                                 //The issuer will also have this supply added to their balance.
                                                 add_balance( st.issuer, quantity, st.issuer );

                                                 if( to != st.issuer ) {
                                                       //transfer function is called via the SEND_INLINE_ACTION() macro which will transfer the funds.

                                                     //     this                    the contract code the action belongs to
                                                            transfer the anme of the action
                                                            {st.issuer, N(active)} the permissions required for the action
                                                            {st.issuer, to, quantity, memo} the arguments for the action itself

                                                            SEND_INLINE_ACTION( *this, transfer, {st.issuer,N(active)}, {st.issuer, to, quantity, memo} );
                                                   //transfer function

                                                   //from and to accounts. The symbol is extracted from the quantity and used to get the currency_stats for the token.
                                                  void token::transfer( account_name from,
                                                            account_name to,
                                                            asset        quantity,
                                                            string       memo )
                                                        eosio_assert( from != to, "cannot transfer to self" );
                                                        require_auth( from );
                                                        eosio_assert( is_account( to ), "to account does not exist");
                                                        auto sym =;
                                                        stats statstable( _self, sym );
                                                        const auto& st = statstable.get( sym );

                                                       // notify both the sender and receiver about action
                                                       require_recipient( from );  
                                                       require_recipient( to );

                                                       eosio_assert( quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity" );
                                                       eosio_assert( quantity.amount > 0, "must transfer positive quantity" );
                                                       eosio_assert( quantity.symbol ==, "symbol precision mismatch" );
                                                       eosio_assert( memo.size() <= 256, "memo has more than 256 bytes" );

                                                       sub_balance( from, quantity );
                                                       add_balance( to, quantity, from );

                                                     void token::sub_balance( account_name owner, asset value ) {
                                                            accounts from_acnts( _self, owner );

                                                            const auto& from = from_acnts.get(, "no balance object found" );
                                                            eosio_assert( from.balance.amount >= value.amount, "overdrawn balance" );

                                                                  if( from.balance.amount == value.amount ) {
                                                                              from_acnts.erase( from );
                                                                  } else {
                                                                             from_acnts.modify( from, owner, [&]( auto& a ) {
                                                                                      a.balance -= value;

                                                              void token::add_balance( account_name owner, asset value, account_name ram_payer )
                                                                    accounts to_acnts( _self, owner );
                                                                    auto to = to_acnts.find( );
                                                                    if( to == to_acnts.end() ) {
                                                                         to_acnts.emplace( ram_payer, [&]( auto& a ){
                                                                         a.balance = value;
                                                                   } else {
                                                                        to_acnts.modify( to, 0, [&]( auto& a ) {
                                                                             a.balance += value;

                                                              } /// namespace eosio

                                                               EOSIO_ABI( eosio::token, (create)(issue)(transfer) )

References: EOSIO

        [EOSIO Token Contract Reference](



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