After tagging a filmed game using Dartfish, excel sheets containing the timestamped tags must be edited.
All tags containing the 'Dark' keyword must be replaced with the home team and all tags containing the 'White' keywords must be replaced with the away team.
After editing, the file must be saved as a tab delimited .txt file.
-d tag indicates the home team
-w tag indicates the away team
-l tag indicates the excel tags were tagged in Dartfish and not on the mobile app (switches the encodings, mobile app = UTF-8, Dartfish = UTF-16)
Example for UCLA (D) vs USC (W) tagged on mobile app:
$ python3 -d UCLA -w USC 'PATH_TO_FOLDER'
Example for Stanford (D) vs UCSB (W) tagged in dartfish:
$ python3 -d Stanford -w UCSB -l 'PATH_TO_FOLDER'
*All CSV files in FOLDER must have same encoding, if they differ will only replace some of the tags