Simple game library using React, GraphQL and MongoDB
Back-end using graphql-yoga and mongoose
Front-end using React, apollo-boost, semantic-ui and formik
This is a pet project for studying purposes developed with ☕, 🍺, ❤️, and Oxford comma.
- Mongodb: or you can get a free instance on
- Node.js:
- Yarn: (or you can use npm)
- (optional, for deployment) Now:
- Clone repository
git clone
- cd into server folder
cd gamelib/server
Crete .env file (based on .env.example) and input your mongodb host and credentials
Install dependencies
- Run in development mode
yarn dev
Or build it and run
yarn build
yarn start
Check if it is up and play with graphql playground by acessing http://localhost:4000/
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
(optional) Deploy it to Now
For deployment with now your mongodb cannot be local
- cd into client folder
cd gamelib/client
Crete .env file (based on .env.example) and input your graphql back-end uri. If you're running the server locally, it should be http://localhost:4000
Install dependencies
- Run in development mode
yarn start
- (optional) build it
yarn build
- (optional) Deploy it with now
To deploy with now you cannot use your local graphql back-end server. You can deploy the server with now (see above) and use the url provided by now on the .env file. If your build exceed the now maximum size, you can delete the map file with rm ./build/static/js/*.map
cd build
This is a pet project to practice the MERN stack (Mongo, Express, React, Node.js) using graphQL instead of REST (because hipster 😎). The goal of the code is to be simple, concise and easy to understand without sacrificing performance.
The libraries were chosen for being popular, simple, easy to use, with good documentation, and little setup.
graphql-yoga: simple graphql server implementation on top of Express and Apollo server with minimal setup and sensible defaults.
mongoose: de facto ODM standard for using MongoDB with Node.js.
Create React App: React app creation made easy, with no build configuration.
react-router: de facto standard routing library for React.
Apollo boost: "The fastest, easiest way to get started with Apollo Client!" Zero config Apollo client with sensible defaults.
formik + yup: Simple and easy forms and validation in React "without the tears".
Semantic-UI-React: Simple and concise UI lib for React to create beautiful interfaces with ease.
Oh, I'm lookin' for my missin' piece
I'm lookin' for my missin' piece
Hi-dee-ho, here I go
lookin' for my missin' pieceThe Missing Piece - Shel Silverstein
Create a collection and CRUD for genres and platforms and instead of a string use a reference to it in Games collection
Use Docker and docker-compose for configuring the enviroment
Create tests
Add support for internationalization / i18n
Implement search in the front-end using Array.filter on the games list