Azure AutoTagger is a lightweight, low-cost serverless solution that can easily be deployed to an Azure subscription. Once deployed Azure AutoTagger monitors for ResourceWriteSucess
events within the subscription and triggers an Azure Function to automatically apply a LastModifiedTimestamp
and LastModifiedBy
- More details in a blog post describing the solution.
- Contains the ARM template code to deploy the infrastructure and role assignments to the subscription
- Contains the Azure Function PowerShell code
Important: You must have Owner permissions on the subscription you intend to deploy this to. The template will create a managed identity and assign it to the
andTag Contributor
Use the Deploy to Azure button to easily deploy this solution in a subscription
-- OR --
- Clone the GitHub repo locally
git clone
- Initiate an ARM Template deployment with Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI
Azure PowerShell:
New-AzDeployment -Location "East US" -TemplateFile ".\azuredeploy.json" -resourceGroupName "rg-autotagger" -Verbose
Azure CLI:
az deployment create --location "West US" --template-file ".\azuredeploy.json" --parameters resourceGroupName=rg-autotagger