A tool for filtering variants from all2all comparison of multiple clones or single cells
- Python 3.6 with the following packages
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Numpy
- Other dependencies:
- Samtools
git clone https://github.com/abyzovlab/All2.git
Samtools (download and install):
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/samtools/files/samtools/1.9/samtools-1.9.tar.bz2 tar -xvf samtools-1.9.tar.bz2 cd samtools-1.9/ /.configure make
Reference (If you want to run the examples and is not a requirement):
wget ftp://gsapubftp-anonymous@ftp.broadinstitute.org/bundle/b37/human_g1k_v37_decoy.fasta.gz wget ftp://gsapubftp-anonymous@ftp.broadinstitute.org/bundle/b37/human_g1k_v37_decoy.fasta.fai.gz gunzip human_g1k_v37_decoy.fasta.gz gunzip human_g1k_v37_decoy.fasta.fai.gz
The All2 tool has three commands for SNVs and small INDELs:
- score
- call
- matrix
And three commands for structural variants:
- score_sv
- call_sv
- matrix_sv
Note: The options and outputs for SNVs, INDELs and SV are similar, however please keep the following in mind:
- For structural variants, the only accepted tool is Manta and script doesn't include 'BND' variants
- Since there is no variant allele frequency available for structural variants from manta the 'call_sv' option is slightly different than the 'call' option.
- There are no variant allele frequency and mutation spectrum plots for structural variant mode and the format of the output files will be slightly different from the SNV/INDEL analyses.
python ALL2.py -h
usage: python ALL2.py <command> [<args>]
Three commands to use for SNVs and small INDELS:
score --> Generates mosaic and germline scores.
call --> Based on score cut-off generates sample level files/plots for mosaic,
germline mutations and plots variant allele frequency, mutation spectrum
matrix --> Plot the mutation matrix
Three commands to use for structural variants :
score_sv --> Generates mosaic and germline scores.
call_sv --> Based on score cut-off generates sample level files/plots for mosaic and
germline mutations
matrix_sv --> Plot the mutation matrix
All to all comparision
positional arguments:
command Please specify score/call/matrix as a command
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This is the first step and the other two commands will need the output from this step.
This options takes in a manifest file and output directory as its input. The manifest file should have the following format (see manifest_file.txt):
#Control | Case | Control_in_vcf | Case_in_vcf | Filename | Inclusion_region |
control_1 | case_1 | control_in_vcf_1 | case_in_vcf_1 | path/to/file_1_1.vcf | path/to/file_1.bed |
control_1 | case_2 | control_in_vcf_1 | case_in_vcf_2 | path/to/file_1_2.vcf | path/to/file_2.bed |
.... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
control_n | case_m | control_in_vcf_n | case_in_vcf_m | path/to/file_n_m.vcf | path/to/file_m.bed |
- The columns "Control_in_vcf" and "Case_in_vcf" are optional and can be used when the "Control" and "Case" name don't match the control and case inside the vcf file.
- Make sure to vcf files for all the combination of control and case specified in the vcf.
- It is recommended to filter the vcf (technical artifacts) prior to running All2 to reduce the processing time. If this is not performed, script will automatically filter the noise, but might take longer.
- The script automatically used only "PASS" variants and if you wish to use all variants use the option "-a"
python ALL2.py score -h
usage: ALL2.py [-h] -m MANIFEST_FILE -o OUTPUT_DIR
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to manifest file
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Path to directory where results will be written
python ALL2.py score -m manifest_file.txt -o output_example/
It generates three output files:
"explanation_score.txt" which has the following information:
Field_name Explanation Chrom Chromosome name Pos Position of the mutation Ref Reference allele Alt Alternate allele Mosaic_score Mosaic score for the mutation Germline_score Germline score for the mutation Total_samples Total number of samples in the study Number_of_samples_with_mutation Number of samples/pairs where the mutation was called Samples_with_mutation Name of the samples which have the mutation (comma separated values) VAF_of_samples_with_mutation Variant allele frequency for the mutation for each sample (comma separated values) Number_of_comparision_per_sample Number of comparison where this mutation was found in a sample(comma separated value) Excluded_samples Samples excluded because of allele drop out -
"Explanation_score_scatter.png" which shows the distribution of mutations in terms of mosaic and germline scores. This plot is helpful to determine the mosaic and germline score to use for calling mosaic and germline mutations in the next 'call' step. The size of the circle denotes the number of mutations.
"mutation_matrix.pkl" is an pickle file generated to be used for matrix visualisation in the 'matrix' option. This in no use for the user.
This is next step after score to call the mosaic mutation based on user defined mosaic and germline score cutoff.
It takes three required parameters:
- The output directory from the 'score' command (GET_SCORE_DIRECTORY).
- Genome reference that was used to generate the vcf files.
- Output directory.
And five optional parameter:
- Allele frequency cut-off for mutations (default is 35%)
- Mosaic score cut-off (default is 0.75)
- Germline score cut-off (default is 0.75)
- Mosaic score cut-off for germline (default is 0.20)
- Germline score cut-off for mosaic (default is 0.50)
python ALL2.py call -h
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to output directory of the get_score option
Path to reference file
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Path to directory where results will be written
-a AF_CUTOFF, --af_cutoff AF_CUTOFF
Allele frequency cut-off for variants (default=0.35)
Mosaic score cut-off (default=0.75)
Germline score cut-off (default=0.75)
Mosaic score cut-off for germline mutations
Germline score cut-off for mosaic mutation
python ALL2.py call -r human_g1k_v37_decoy.fasta -o output_example/ -g output_example/ -ms 0.75 -gs 0.75
This command creates a new annotated explanation score plot and three sets of folder in the output directory:
- Annotated explanation plot:
- Red area is noise
- Green area is mosaic mutations
- Gray area is high frequency mosaic mutations
- Blue are is germline mutations
- 'Mutation_counts'
Two plots are generated under this: - 'vaf_plots'
For each sample three variant allele frequency plots are generated: - 'mutation_spectrum'
For each sample two mutation spectrum plots are generated:
This command lets you look at the mutation matrix to verify a certain mutation
It takes three parameters:
- The output directory from the 'score' command (GET_SCORE_DIRECTORY).
- Output directory.
- Mutation in the format of chr_pos_alt_ref
python ALL2.py matrix -h
Plotting mutation matrix
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to output folder of get_score
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Path to directory where results will be written
-m MUTATION, --mutation MUTATION
Mutation format should be chr_pos_alt_ref(eg.
python ALL2.py matrix -g output_example/ -o output_example/ -m chr15_80509588_A_C
It creates a matrix plot along with variant allele frequency at each sample for the given mutation.