Abysl Term is an emacs package for interacting with external terminals.
I wrote abysl-term to be crossplatform and flexible to support multiple terminals, shells and OS. However very little testing has been done outside of my personal config with wezterm, fish, bash on linux & windows.
- Multi-Terminal
- Multi-Shell
- Multi-OS
- Show buffer with command output with optional settings to hide (onSuccess, always, never)
- Custom exit hooks that have access to the command’s exit codes and output
(use-package! abysl-term
;; Relative path to where abysl-term.el is located
:load-path "lib"
;; Set default terminal
(abysl-term-terminal "wezterm")
;; Set default terminal args
(abysl-term-terminal-args (list "--always-new-process" "--workspace" "AbyslWorkspace"))
;; Set default shell
(abysl-term-shell "fish")
;; When to hide the buffer that opens containing the command's output after it completes
(abysl-term-hide 'onSuccess)
;; Extend the `abysl-term-args-alist` to add support for arbitrary terminal emulators.
;; Please consider making a PR after testing :)
(append abysl-term-args-alist
;; Flag to set the working directory.
;; By default uses projectile-project-root
;; or if unavailable current buffer's directory
;; or if unavailable user's home directory
;; The terminal name tag must match the terminal's binary name in the PATH
'((wezterm . ((cd . "--work-dir")
;; Subcommand to launch an executable within the terminal (if any) Starting command (if any)
(start . "start")
;; Use '--' separator to separate terminal args from program args.
(use-argument-separator . t))))))
(map! :leader
:prefix ("r" . "run")
:desc "Run selected text"
"c" #'abysl-term-run-selected)
(map! :leader
:prefix ("r" . "run")
:desc "Run previous command"
"p" #'abysl-term-run-previous)
;; Opens your default shell in your default terminal
(map! :leader
:prefix ("o" . "open")
:desc "[o]pen abysl-term [s]hell"
"s" #'abysl-term-open-shell)
(map! :leader
:desc "Sync Doom and Restart"
"q t" (lambda ()
;; Example of adding a custom exit hook to an invocation of abysl-term-run
;; exit-codes contains an exit code for each command in your pipe
;; Pretend there is a command called simulate-error which returns an argument as an error code
;; simulate-error 0 | simulate-error 44 | simulate-error 25
;; would make exit codes = (list 0 44 25) when the command completes
;; cl-every ensures we only restart if there are no errors so we can see them if they happen
(abysl-term-run "doom sync"
(lambda (exit-codes output)
(message "exit hook called")
(if (cl-every (lambda (x) (eq x 0)) exit-codes)
(map! :leader
:mode nix-mode
:prefix ("c" . "colmena")
:desc "Colmena apply-local --sudo" "l"
(lambda ()
(abysl-term-run "colmena apply-local --sudo"))
:desc "Colmena apply with tags" "a"
(lambda ()
(let* ((tags (read-string "Enter tags (space or comma separated): "))
(formatted-tags (mapconcat 'identity (split-string tags "[ ,]+" t) ",")))
(abysl-term-run (format "colmena apply --on %s" formatted-tags)))))