This IDL code has been developed to fit near-infrared spectra to single and binary templates to determine whether they are binaries. The code is based on the method of Burgasser et al. (2010, ApJ, 710, 1142:, with some updates to include additional absolute magnitude relations and some improvements to the performance.
This code is best forked from this github site, and placed into a folder in your IDL path. In the file, set the following keywords:
- pfold = '/Users/adam/idl/spexbinaryfit/' ; folder that you downloaded spexbinaryfit into
- dfold = '/Users/adam/spectra/spex/prism/' ; default folder containing the data you are fitting (optional)
Please send bug reports to or noting them on the github page ("Issues")
The following can be called up by the command:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, /help
Basic usage:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename'
Here, 'filename' is either the full pathname to the spex prism data file or the filename assuming the file resides in the preset datafolder (see to set this folder)
Preset spectral type/absolute magnitude relations:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename' ; default is faint MKO K-band magnitude relation from Burgasser 2007
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /BUR07, /BRIGHT ; bright MKO K-band magnitude relation from Burgasser 2007
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /LIU06, /FAINT ; faint MKO K-band relation from Liu et al. 2008 (set /JMAG for J, /KMAG for K)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /LIU06, /BRIGHT ; bright MKO K-band relation from Liu et al. 2008 (set /JMAG for J, /KMAG for Ks)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /LOO08 ; 2MASS Ks-band magnitude relation from Looper et al. 2008 (set /JMAG for J, /KMAG for K)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /FAH12 ; MKO J-band magnitude relation from Faherty et al. 2012 (set /JMAG for J, /HMAG for H, /KMAG for K)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /DUP12 ; MKO J-band magnitude relation from Dupuy & Liu 2012 (set /JMAG for J, /HMAG for H, /KMAG for K)
Fitting options:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename' ; default method = no weights, full spectrum
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /WEIGHT ; pixels weighted by pixel breadth and computes G_k (see Cushing et al. 2008)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', FITREGIONS = [[0.95,1.35],[1.45,1.8],[2.0,2.35]] ; set the fitting regions; default is listed here
To set the relative magnitudes for scaling templates
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', DELTAMAG=[0.2,0.4], E_DELTAMAG = [0.04,0.04], DELTAFILTER = [43,44], SIGMA=3
- DELTAMAG = relative magnitudes of components
- DELTAMAG_E = uncertainties in relative magnitudes
- DELTAFILTER = filter numbers as defined in routine
- SIGMA = number of standard deviations that spectral pairs are permitted (= 3 if unspecified
To set what kind of spectral types are used for templates:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename' ; default: optlcal <L9, NIR otherwise
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NIRSPT ; NIR spectral types only (reject templates without)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /OPTSPT ; optical spectral types only (reject templates without)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SPEXSPT ; NIR spectral types from SpeX data based on methodology of Burgasser (2007)
To reject unwanted template source(s) (including the target source) from fit:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', REJECT='0123-4545'
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', REJECT=['0123-4545', 'ROSS 458C']
or to exclude input source
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', NAME='0123-4545'
To reject certain classes of templates:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /ONLYYOUNG ; only young dwarfs
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NOYOUNG ; no young dwarfs
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /ONLYSUBDWARFS ; only subdwarfs
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NOSUBDWAFS ; no subdwarfs
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /ONLYRED ; only unusually red dwarfs
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NORED ; no unusually red dwarfs
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /ONLYBLUE ; only unusually blue dwarfs
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NOBLUE ; no unusually blue dwarfs
To set range of primary or secondary spectral types, assuming M0 = 10, L0 = 20, T0 = 30, etc., use:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', PSPTRANGE = [15,20], SSPTRANGE=[30,39]
To do a single fit only:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SINGLE
Optional outputs:
To output a data structure for best fits (single fit only at this point)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SINGLE, OUTPUTSTR=structure
To output spectra of best fits, with format [[wave],[flux]]
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', BESTSINGLE=best, BESTBINARY=best
If you are using a non-spex prism file for fitting:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SMOOTH
Reporting options:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', FOLDER='path' ; folder in which to store program outputs (default is 'fits' folder in spexbinaryfit program folder)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', PREFIX='string' ; prefix for all program outputs (e.g., source name)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /SHORT ; report only shortened template names (Jhhmm+ddmm)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', NBEST=10 ; number of best-fit templates to report
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /FULL ; report all relative magnitudes (default is 2MASS & MKO)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /MKO ; report some MKO relative magnitudes
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NIRC2 ; report some NIRC2 relative magnitudes
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NICMOS ; report some NICMOS relative magnitudes
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /WFC3 ; report some WFC3 relative magnitudes
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /INSET ; plot zoom in box of H-band region (for spectral binaries)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /RIGHT ; place plot labels on right side of plot (by default they are on the right)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', NOTE='string' ; note to place on plot (e.g., source name)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /EXTRAS ; plot separately source spectrum, best fit primary, best fit secondary (good for talks)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', /NOPLOT ; don't plot anything
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', PCOLORS=[0,2,3,4] ; set the plot colors (tek_color palette, default indicated)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', LCOLORS=[0,2,3,0] ; set the label colors (tek_color palette, default indicated)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', XRANGE=[0.9,2.4] ; set the horizontal range of plots (default indicated)
IDL> spexbinaryfit, 'filename', YRANGE=[-0.02,1.45] ; set the vertical range of plots (default indicated)
To reinitialize the template sample:
IDL> spexbinaryfit, /REGENERATE ; initializes the single templates
IDL> spexbinaryfit, /RESET ; regenerates set of binary templates for a given absolute magnitude scale
IDL> spexbinaryfit, /MAKE ; generates full suite of absolute magnitude scaled binaries based on all abs magnitude scales available
SpeXBinaryFit was originally written by Adam Burgasser based on Burgasser et al. (2010, ApJ, 710, 1142: with additional modifications by Daniella Bardalez Gagliuffi.
If you use this code, please cite the original reference: Burgasser et al. (2010, ApJ, 710, 1142) at