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Setup Azure Active Directory

KlausEnevoldsen-Abtion edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 2 revisions

This section contain information about how to setup Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) if it is used as Single Sign-On solution.

In the Azure Portal, create an "Enterprise Application" in Active Directory.

In the following two sections, we will walk through the configuration steps, and collect the IDs required for the ActiveDirectoryConfig properties, which are configured via the appsettings.json file - this is done from two different areas in the Active Directory management tool in Azure Portal.

From the "App Registrations" area, select your application.

Under "App Roles", create a new "App Role" with allowed member types "Users / Groups", and a "Value" of Administrators.

Take down the ID of this Role - this is your AdminRoleID for your ActiveDirectoryConfig.

Note that:

  • Currently there is no UI to copy the Administrator Role ID - if the ID isn't fully visible, use DevTools to inspect the ID value and copy it from the title attribute on that element.
  • Users with this Role will have the right to assign Roles to other Users via /admin.
  • Roles cannot be assigned from the Azure Portal without a Premium subscription. (Creating the first Administrator User will be covered below.)

Under "API Permissions", add a new Permission for the "Microsoft Graph" API - select the "Application Permissions" type, and select the following Permissions:

  • Application.Read.All
  • AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All
  • User.ReadWrite.All

Press "Add Permissions", and then click the "Grant admin consent" button to confirm.

From the "Overview" tab, take down the following details for your ActiveDirectoryConfig:

  • AppClientID from "Application (client) ID".
  • AppRegistrationID from "Object ID"
  • DirectoryTenantID from "Directory (tenant) ID"

Under "Certificates & Secrets", create a "Client Secret", and take down the "Value" (not the "Secret ID") - this is your AppClientSecret for your ActiveDirectoryConfig.

The secret will be displayed only once - it should be recorded in a password manager.

TODO the secret should be stored in Secret Manager, rather than appsettings.json ??

From the "Enterprise Applications" area, select your application.

From the "Overview" tab, take down the "Object ID" - this is your AppID for your ActiveDirectoryConfig.

From the "Users and Groups" screen, create or select an existing User, and take down the "Object ID" for that User - this is your AdminUserID for your ActiveDirectoryConfig, which will be used (at application launch) to assign the Administrator Role to the first User.

(You can safely remove this value from your configuration after the first launch, as from here on out, this User will be able to grant the Administrator Role to other Users in the Directory via the user interface in /admin.)

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