.. versionadded:: (DEVELOP BRANCH 2017.7+)
The CLC cloud module allows you to manage CLC Via the CLC SDK.
:codeauthor: Stephan Looney slooney@stephanlooney.com
- clc-sdk Python Module
clc-sdk can be installed via pip:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install clc-sdk
.. note:: For sdk reference see: https://github.com/CenturyLinkCloud/clc-python-sdk
To use this module, set up the clc-sdk, username,password,key in the
cloud configuration at
or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/clc.providers.conf
.. code-block:: yaml
driver: clc
user: 'web-user'
password: 'verybadpass'
token: ''
.. note::
The ``provider`` parameter in cloud provider configuration was renamed to ``driver``.
This change was made to avoid confusion with the ``provider`` parameter that is
used in cloud profile configuration. Cloud provider configuration now uses ``driver``
to refer to the salt-cloud driver that provides the underlying functionality to
connect to a cloud provider, while cloud profile configuration continues to use
``provider`` to refer to the cloud provider configuration that you define.
.. code-block:: yaml
Example cloud profile for CLC (linux)
or /etc/salt/cloud.profiles/clc.profiles.conf
provider: 'clc'
ssh_username: root
ssh_password: "Admin2452"
location: "VA1"
template: "UBUNTU-14-64-TEMPLATE"
cpu: "2"
ram: "8"
backup_level: "Standard"
group: "SaltStack"
description: "salt-cloud"
network: "vlan_2848_10.127.248"
password: "Admin2452"
Examples (non traditional salt-cloud operations)
To get an estimate of your monthly cloud costs: salt-cloud -f get_monthly_estimate clc
To get your month to date cloud costs: salt-cloud -f get_month_to_date clc group= location=
To get an estimate of your monthly cloud costs for a given group: salt-cloud -f get_group_estimate clc
To list all systems in your account salt-cloud -f get_nodes_full clc
Query CLC for a list of alerts for a given server salt-cloud -f get_server_alerts clc servername=