module purge
ml NCL/6.6.2-foss-2018b
ml NCO/4.7.9-foss-2018b
ml netCDF/4.6.1-foss-2018b-cdf5
ml Python/2.7.15-foss-2018b
git clone
cd CESM_postprocessing
./create_python_env -machine ada
ml purge
ml Miniconda2/4.3.21
ml Python/2.7.15-foss-2018b
source activate $POSTPROCESS_PATH/cesm-env2
create_postprocess -case [your-case-directory]
(Steps from Alper Altuntas
see the files in the following directory as an example:
Enter your project id in ocn_averages file by replacing "None" in the following line with your project id:
#BSUB -P None
Note: depending on the duration of the simulation, you may also need to increase the wallclock time.
bsub < ocn_averages
Check the latest log file to see if averaging was completed successfully: [your-case-directory]/logs/
bsub < ocn_diagnostics
Project repository for the CESM python based post-processing code, documentation via the wiki, and issues tracking.
The input data sets required by this code are separate from this repository. Instructions for accessing these data sets will be coming soon. For NCAR users, the data sets are already loaded into a central location on glade and do not need to be downloaded.
The NCAR cheyenne and DAV quick start guide along with other documentation is available at:
A NCAR/CGD mailman listserv is available by user subscription to convey information to NCAR machine users regarding the build status of common postprocessing python virtualenvs on cheyenne and geyser.
To subscribe:
To post a message to all the list members, send email to
IMPORTANT NOTE: The purpose of the mailman listserv is to inform NCAR machine users about the build status of the common virtualenv's on cheyenne and geyser.
All bug reports and enhancement requests should be posted in this github repo issues and not via the mailman listserv.