In order to build patchrom project, you must have Android SDK installed and add the sdk tools and platform-tools to PATH.
$ vim .bashrc
Add this line to .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/home/xxx/android-sdk/tools:/home/xxx/android-sdk/platform-tools
To get started with patchrom, you'll need to get familiar with git and repo.
To initialize your local repository using the patchrom trees, use a command like this:
$ mkdir -p patchrom
$ cd patchrom
$ repo init -u git:// -b kitkat -m sony_taoshan.xml
Then to sync up:
$ repo sync
$ cd /your/patchrom/dir
$ source build/
$ cd taoshan
$ make fullota
For now, you will be faced some problem(s). I will fixed it ASAP!