🚀 Start using NoteDeck at notedeck.dev
NoteDeck is a free and open-source alternative to paper notes that respects your privacy and works offline. Built with Vite and React, your notes are persisted locally to your device as part of your browser's site storage using the IndexedDB API.
Help improve NoteDeck! Use GitHub Issues to record bugs or suggest new features.
- Light and Dark Modes.
- Backup & Restore Capability.
- Installable as a Progressive Web App.
- Multiple re-sizable "sticky note" themes.
Please see README-releases.md.
- Built with React using Vite.
- React-Draggable.
- IndexedDB with Dexie.
- TailwindCSS, Hero Icons, Headless UI.
- Visual assets by Favicon Generator and Undraw Illustrations.