WhatsApp Reminder is a whatsapp bot built with Twilio's APIs, ReactJs, ExpressJS and MongoDB. It can send reminders through text messages in whatsapp.
- Some Glimpse of our Results
✔️Here you can See the Message reminder recived on whatsapp . ✔️Here you can see how we create different - different reminder .
- Clone this Repository
- Go to -->
, cd to -->reminder-frontend
andnpm install
in terminal npm start
- Clone this Repository
- Go to -->
, cd to -->reminder-backend
andnpm install
in terminal node index.js
Login with your email ID on twilio , it give you free trial
Go to Console where you have three options in left side Phone number 📞 , messaging 📧and Voice ➿ .
-> Go toTry it Out
-> and SelectSend a Whatsapp message
Click on this link. This will open up whatsapp on your mobile / PC.
The invitation text has already been filled into the message box, just send the given message (for eg join mixture-cent) or any message and you are in! 🎉.
Whatsapp reminding functionality by Twilio added in index.js
const accountSid = process.env.ACCOUNT_SID; const authToken = process.env.AUTH_TOKEN; const client = require("twilio")(accountSid, authToken); client.messages .create({ body: reminder.reminderMsg, from: "whatsapp:+14155238886", to: "whatsapp:+919931500039", }) .then((message) => console.log(message.sid)) .done();
Go to Console where you have three options in left side Phone number 📞 , messaging 📧and Voice ➿ .
-> Go toTry it Out
-> and SelectSend an SMS with Messaging Services
First you need to setUp clicking on Get Set Up they will Provide a Unique Messaging Service SID
You can simple check it with Curl code on your terminal to get the SMS on your Phone
const accountSid = 'AC063c8abe3c3ea8fb9f9b0d481fc69b2b';
const authToken = '[AuthToken]';
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
body: 'Hello Abhishek',
messagingServiceSid: 'MG061b937fb314708171979e467a50708c',
to: '+919931500039'
.then(message => console.log(message.sid))
How to add your own ACCOUNT_SID and AUTH_TOKEN
Go to Console here you find your own unique account_sid and Auth_id
Try to make
file and Add your ACCOUNT_SID=____________ and AUTH_TOKEN=___________
- Simple click on
Reminder notes Here......
and Add your Reminder that you want to remind . - The general format is
set <Reminder-name (Not required)> <task-time (required)> <task-date (it take Present date if not given)>
: Not required field. Type the task that you want to be reminded about in .task-date
: An optional field. The default value is current date however you can also type heretoday
if you want to put some extra efforts. For dates other than current date, type in DD/MM/YY format.task-time
: A required field. Type the time you want to be reminded at in 12 HOUR formatAM or PM
- Examples :
- Set a reminder for Conducting Session at 5:23 PM today -->
Session on ReactJS
2/15/2022 5:23 AM
- Set a reminder for Todays for Going to Gym at 7:00 PM -->
Go to Gym
2/15/2022(No Need to give the Date- It take by Default for Today ) 5:23 AM
- Set a reminder for Conducting Session at 5:23 PM today -->
Just like me, this bot is lazy 🦥 and needs to sleep 😴 0000 to 0600 (IST) everyday (due to Heroku's policies). So try NOT to set any reminders for the above timings. Also Twilio's WhatsApp API is in beta which may cause issues or even stop working all together. Also this project is eventually destined to be sun-setted after the trial balance of Twilio is over.
Feel free to open an issue on GitHub if you find any bug.
Feel free to Open an issue on GitHub to request any additional features you might need for your use case.
- Abhishek Rawe - Developer - Website
- Abhishek Rawe - Developer Who's the author of those contents - Abhishek Rawe
This software is open-source, licensed under the MIT License.