A simple statusline for neovim written in lua.
- Requires neovim version >= 0.10
in your init.lua for statusline. (or3
for global line)- Have a nerd font installed
- Have gitsigns.nvim installed (requirement for git branch and git_diff components)
event = { "WinEnter", "BufEnter", "ColorScheme" },
opts = {},
Default configuration is here options
-- default options
sections = {
active = {
left = { "mode", "git_branch", "git_diff" },
center = { "file_name" },
right = { "diagnostics", "file_type", "line_column" },
inactive = { hl = "Normal", text = "%F%=" },
components = {
mode = {
["n"] = { "ZenlineNormal", "NORMAL" },
["i"] = { "ZenlineInsert", "INSERT" },
["ic"] = { "ZenlineInsert", "INSERT" },
["v"] = { "ZenlineVisual", "VISUAL" },
["V"] = { "ZenlineVisual", "VISUAL LINE" },
["^V"] = { "ZenlineVisual", "VISUAL BLOCK" },
["c"] = { "ZenlineCmdLine", "COMMAND" },
["R"] = { "ZenlineReplace", "REPLACE" },
["t"] = { "ZenlineTerminal", "TERMINAL" },
default = { "Normal", "UNKNOWN" },
file_type = { hl = "ZenlineAccent" },
file_name = {
hl = "ZenlineAccent",
mod = ":~:.",
modified = " [+] ",
readonly = " ",
diagnostics = {
["ERROR"] = { "ZenlineError", " " },
["WARN"] = { "ZenlineWarn", " " },
["INFO"] = { "ZenlineInfo", " " },
["HINT"] = { "ZenlineHint", " " },
line_column = { hl = "ZenlineNormal", text = "%P %l:%c " },
git_branch = { hl = "ZenlineAccent", icon = " " },
git_diff = {
["added"] = { "ZenlineAdd", " " },
["changed"] = { "ZenlineChange", " " },
["removed"] = { "ZenlineDelete", " " },
special_fts = {
["alpha"] = { "Alpha", " " },
["lazy"] = { "Lazy", " " },
["mason"] = { "Mason", "" },
["NvimTree"] = { "NvimTree", " " },
["neo-tree"] = { "Neotree", " " },
["oil"] = { "Oil", " " },
["help"] = { "Help", " " },
["lspinfo"] = { "LspInfo", " " },
["checkhealth"] = { "Checkhealth", " " },
["spectre_panel"] = { "Spectre", "" },
["man"] = { "Man", " " },
["qt"] = { "Quickfix", " " },
["toggleterm"] = { "ToggleTerm", " " },
section | use |
mode | shows the mode |
file_name | shows filename with path to cwd |
file_type | shows filetype |
diagnostics | shows lsp diagnostics (number of errors, warnings, etc) |
line_column | shows line, column, percentage, etc |
git_branch | shows current branch name (uses gitsigns.nvim ) |
git_diff | shows diff (added, changed and deleted) icons with count (uses gitsigns.nvim ) |