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Sentence Sequence Transduction Library (Seq to Seq) for text generation using sequential generative Vanilla RNN using numpy


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DeepGenerator 📌

Sentence Sequence Transduction Library (Seq to Seq) for text generation using sequential generative Vanilla RNN using numpy
The library is a generative network built purely in numpy and matplotlib. The library is a sequence to sequence transduction library for generating n sequence texts from given corpus. Metrics for accuracy-BLEU has provided a considerable accuracy metric for epochs greater than 20000.The library is sequential and includes intermediate tanh activation in the intermediate stages with softmax cross entropy loss ,and generalised Adagrad optimizer.


pip install DeepGenerator

library facts:


import DeepGenerator.DeepGenerator as dg

Object Creation:



 1.attributes for users- learning rate,epochs,local path of data storage(text format),number of hidden layers,kernel size,sequence/step size,count of next words
  2.data_abstract function- Takes arguements (self,path,choice) - 
                            path= local path of text file
                            choice= 'character_generator' for character generation network
                                    'word_generator' for word generator network
                            Returns data
                            Usage- ouput_data=deepgen.data_preprocess(DeepGenerator.path,DeepGenerator.choice)
  3.data_preprocess function- Takes arguements (self,path,choice)-
                            path= local path of text file
                            choice= 'character_generator' for character generation network
                                    'word_generator' for word generator network
                            Returns data,data_size,vocab_size,char_to_idx,idx_to_char
                            Usage- data,data_size,vocab_size,char_to_idx,idx_to_char=deepgen.data_preprocess(DeepGenerator.path,DeepGenerator.choice)
  4.hyperparameters function-Takes arguements (self,hidden_layers_size,no_hidden_layers,learning_rate,step_size,vocab_size)-
                            hidden_layers-kernel size-recommended under 2048
                            no_hidden_layers- sequential intermediate layers
                            learning_rate- learning_rate (range of 1e-3)
                            step_size- sequence length(should be <= vocab_size)
                            Returns hidden_layers,learning_rate,step_size,hid_layer,Wxh,Whh1,Whh_vector,Whh,Why,bh1,bh_vector,bh,by
                            Usage- hidden_layers,learning_rate,step_size,hid_layer,Wxh,Whh1,Whh_vector,Whh,Why,bh1,bh_vector,bh,by=deepgen.hyperparamteres(dg.hidden_layers_size,dg.no_hidden_layers,dg.learning_rate,dg.step_size,dg.vocab_size)
  5. loss_evaluation function- Takes arguements    (self,inp,target,h_previous,hidden_layers,hid_layer,Wxh,Wh1,Whh_vector,Whh,Why,bh1,bh_vector,bh,by) -
                            inp= character to indices encoded dictionary of input text
                            target=character to indices encoded dictionary of generated text
                            h_previous-value of hidden layer for previous state
                            hidden_layers-kernel size
                            hid_layer-sequential hidden layers
                            ---------- sequential layers---------
                                   -----weight tensors------
                            Wxh- weight tensor of input to first hidden layer
                            Wh1- weight tensor of first hidden layer to first layer of sequential network
                            Whh_vector-weight tensors of intermediate sequential network
                            Whh- weight tensor of last sequential to last hidden layer
                            Why-weight tensor of last hidden layer to output layer
                                    -----bias tensors-------
                            bh1-bias of first hidden layer
                            bh_vector-bias of intermediate sequential layers
                            bhh-bias of end hidden layer
                            by-bias at output
                            Returns loss,dWxh,dWhh1,dWhh_vector,dWhh,dWhy,dbh1,dbh_vector,dbh,dby,h_state[len(inp)-1],Whh1,Whh_vector,Whh,Why,bh1,bh_vector,bh,by
                            Usage loss,dWxh,dWhh1,dWhh_vector,dWhh,dWhy,dbh1,dbh_vector,dbh,dby,h_state[len(inp)-1],Whh1,Whh_vector,Whh,Why,bh1,bh_vector,bh,by=deepgen.loss_evaluation(dg.inp,,dg.h_previous,dg.hidden_layers,dg.hid_layer,dg.Wxh,dg.Wh1,dg.Whh_vector,dg.Whh,dg.Why,dg.bh1,dg.bh_vector,,
  6.start_predict function-Takes arguements (self,count,epochs,Wh1,Whh_vector,Whh,Why,bh1,bh_vector,bh,by,hid_layer,char_to_idx,idx_to_char,vocab_size,learning_rate,step_size,data,hidden_layers)
                            counts-count of sequences to generate
                            Whi -weight tensors
                            bhi-bias tensors
                            hid_layer-no of sequential layers
                            char_to_idx-character to index encoder
                            idx_to_char-index to character decoder
                            step_size-sequence length
                            hidden_layers-kernel size
                            Returns epochs,gradient losses vector -Beta release(out_txt_vector -vector of putput generated sentences  - *() implies not yet shipped to pypi)
   7.output_sample function- Takes arguements (self,h1,seed_ix,n,vocab_size,Wh1,Whh_vector,Whh,Why,bh1,bh_vector,bh,by,hid_layer)-
                            h1-hidden layer previous state
                            seed_ix-starting point for generation
                            n-count of text to generate
                            Whi-weight tensor
                            bhi-bias tensor
                            hid_layer-no of sequential layers
                            Returns ixs- integer vector of maximum probability characters/words
   8.plot_loss function  -Takes arguements(self,epochs,gradient_loss)-
                          epochs-epoch vector
                          gradient_loss- gradient loss vector
                          Returns void


The file contains the usage specification and syntax for generating text Jupyter notebook -Deepgen.ipynb is also present as a sample with different text files.

Library link: