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p2p_FileSharing PublicA p2p filesharing python function based on Linux OS. A single python file application to be executed by command line on more than one PC.
HumanResource_DataScience PublicAn Human Resources Datasheet from Kaggle(link mentioned below). Logistic Regression algorithm applied to predict whether an emplyee is going to leave soon or not. The prediciton is made on the basi…
HotelReview_DataScience PublicData Preprocessing, Integration, Cleaning and Representation on the user Hotel Reviews being submitted of various Hotels in the US. Hotel_Review.csv is the Datasheet downloaded from Kaggle.
Summer_Project_2016 PublicThis is the Project being done by me and my classmates during our first year vacation. It is a project based on the Admission Process that the college in which I study follows. Creates a database i…
Scholastic_Brackit_beta_version PublicAn Android application is being made keeping in mind the problems faced by students in their Graduation and Post Graduation period of their life, where each day they develop new things and achieve …
Pokemon_DataAnalysis PublicA small scale data science coding done (specifically focused on Data Prepossessing part) on the Datasheet downloaded from Kaggle, where two pokemon are randomly chosen from the lot and are competed…
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